How to Succeed in a Job Interview 如何在求職麪試中獲得成功

How to Succeed in a Job Interview 如何在求職麪試中獲得成功,第1張

How to Succeed in a Job Interview 如何在求職麪試中獲得成功,第2張




  Students who are about to graduate have to face the challenge of being interviewed while trying to find employment. People looking for ajob usually attach great importance to job interviews. Doing well in a job interview means a good chance of being employed. With little working experience, how can we succeed in a job interview?

  In my opinion, firstly, we should leave the employers a good impression an what we were, how we talk as well as how we behave in public. Secondly, we should not be nervous, for over ncrvousness will lead to uncertainty of your ability. Being confident can bring you to success. When you are asked something about the job you want, you should answer it as fully as possible according to what you know. Thirdly, honesty is a virtue. Being honest about your present situation and never make any boastful statemeat.

  I hope everyone will have a good chance and win success in the interview. Then all of us can get our ideal jobs.


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