Healthy And Nutritious Benefits From Yogurt

Healthy And Nutritious Benefits From Yogurt,第1張

Healthy And Nutritious Benefits From Yogurt,第2張

It has been given different names but the nutritious(營養的) value of yogurt(酸嬭) makes it useful for our continuous and profoundly used up body. It should be part of your daily diet as it helps with increasing ways of creating a clean digestive(消化的) system. The process of making yogurt must have developed somewhere in Asia or Europe as there is a huge supply of milk.

  In Europe and Asia, cow milk is very prevalent(普遍的, 流行的); buffalo(水牛) milk is also used in India. In Russia goats and sheep milk are a good source of providing milk from which the rich and smooth yogurt is formed. Yogurt can be made by the use of Soya(大豆) which is considered as a very healthydrink.

  By being an excellent dessert(餐後甜點), yogurt also happens to be very nutritive with many golden benefits written to its name. It has all the essential source of proteins(蛋白質), vitamins and minerals. These help to create a proper balance for your body. High content of calcium(鈣) also proves to be excellent for our digestive system. It helps it cooling down your system rather than burning it up with acidity(胃酸過多) problems. As the proteins are easily digested you can have this very easily which tends to do wonders to your body.

  It can also be made into butter milk wherein 90% water is used, but the taste happens to be very good for your mouth and your stomach accepts it easily. People who have tender digestive system can have this daily which would help them tremendously(非常好地)。 As the digestabilty factor of the yogurt is better in comparison to the milk due to which you can have it very easily. It is been said that consuming at least 250 gms yogurt a day would help to improve your thiamine(維生素B1)。 This thiamine helps in maintaining your appetite as well as the continuous growth of your body.

  Acidity can be easily fought by drinking butter milk. If this butter milk happens to be sour(酸的) it turns out be even better as it helps in fighting the influx(流入) of lactic acid(乳酸) in the system. You can use yogurt in different forms which makes it more interesting and also very appetizing for many children and adults too. It also contains Vitamin B12 which is very good for your body. There are three types of yogurt regular, low-fat, and skimmed(脫脂的)milk.

  As yogurt contains live bacteria(細菌) it proves to be very useful for your body providing all the necessary health benefits needed by you. It has been tested that people who have yogurt thrice a week can increase their life span than the one's who had it just once a week. Your immunity(免疫性) increases by having yogurt. It has a fine resistance to fight diseases. Eating yogurt helps with vaginal(隂道的) yeast(酵母菌) infection. It also helps in weight loss which for many may be a very significant problem. Lactobacillus(乳酸杆菌) is a pro-biotic bacterium which helps in curing arthritis(關節炎) as well as preventing it.


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