


學寫作是個積累和循序漸進的過程,本節目由淺入深,涉及的技巧也適用於各位的dissertation 和CV,雖然全是英文,大家也挑戰下自己的英語水平吧。近兩期要學習如何build your own argument,加油啦。
   1.1 Argument (論點)
   Task 1: Please study the organization of the following paragraph by yourself.
   Currently, roads are often congested, which is expensive in terms of delays. It is claimed that building more roads or widening existing ones, world ease the congestion. But not only is the cost of such work high, but the construction process adds to the congestion, while the resulting extra road space may encourage extra traffic. Therefore construction extra roads is unlikely to solve the problem, and other remedies, such as road pricing of greater use of public transport, should be examined.
   a) Problem
Currently, roads are often congested, which is

b) Solution A
It is clamed that building more roads, or widening…

c) Argument against solution A
But not only is the cost of such work high, but

d) Solutions B and C
…other remedies, such as road pricing or greater use

   Task 2: Please fill in the blanks to see how the same ideas could be presented to arrive at a different conclusion
   Currently, roads are often congested, which is expensive in terms of delays. It is claimed that building more roads is costly, increases congestion and will encourage extra traffic. This may be partly true, but the alternatives are equally problematic. Road pricing has many practical difficulties, while people are reluctant to use public transport. There is little alternative to a road building programme except increasing road chaos.
Currently, roads are often congested, which is…

Solution A
building more roads…

Arguments against solution A

Solutions B and C and arguments against

Conclusion in favour of solution A

   Bailey, S. (2006). Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. p67.  
   Note that the answers will be shown after you finish both tasks and click your mouse to submit your answers.   
   Problem                        Currently, roads are often congested, which is…
   Solution A                       building more roads…
   Arguments against solution A             It is claimed that building more roads is costly, increases…
   Solutions B and C and arguments against       Road pricing has many practical difficulties, while people are…
   Conclusion in favour of solution A          There is little alternative to a road building programme…





