Child Families 1,第1張

Child Families 1,第2張

The cool air from air conditioners touches every one in the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain storeg After one week's busy life many children sit into their seats comfortablN Listening to the beautiful music, they feel at ease. Balloons, posters (海報、招貼畫) and cartoons decorate the dinning hall, KFC assumes a sense of relaxation.

  By the entrance, groups of teenagers talk loudly about pop concerts given by famous singers. They are dressed in name brand () TWhirtsm shorts or jeans 牛仔服)。 Humbergers, cokes, sundae (聖代,冰淇淋), potato chips pile up on their tables. In playing section, some pre-schoolers are throwing balls or sliding down the slippery slide (滑滑梯), they enjoy themselves under parents' intensive care.

  Under a cheerful atmosphere, the only children are happy to eat, drink, talk or play here. Their eyes are sparkling with excitement. They look perfectly carefree.

  核心剖析 根據關鍵詞多爲靜態描述詞來判斷,此文躰裁應爲描寫文。寫時抓住獨生子女生活中的一個場麪,描述細節,給人以深刻印象。


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