Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus 5

Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus 5,第1張

Classical Literature Loses Appeal on Campus 5,第2張

Francis Bacon stated, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed(吞咽), and some few to be chewed (細嚼慢咽) and digested (消化)。” Unfortunately nowadays less students taste literary classics, a few readers on campus will chew or digest them. Eternal charms (永恒的魅力) of classical literature which used to boost self esteem and help improve students' cultural appreciation (鋻賞力) no longer do so.

  College students give different reasons for the pbenomenon. Some students think that literature classics cannot satisfy various needs and tastes. Some maintain that practical reference books on GRE, management or computers are really treasures because they contain something as precious as gold. Still some hold that reading literary classical works is time consuming but not entertaining at all.

  I believe that college students can benefit a lot from reading classical literature. In the first place, reading classical literature is a pleasure of mind. Moreover, it is an active thought provoking process, anyone can have the key to the riches of knowledge and wisdom contained in classical books. Classical books, in the final analysis, are indispensable to various aspects of modern civilization.

  核心剖析 名人名言或諺語俗語常常言簡意賅。開頭直接引用或變躰運用名人名言或諺語俗語往往能收到先聲奪人的奇傚。恰如其分地活用名人名言或諺語俗語可達到出奇制勝、增強表現力、加強論述傚果的目的。


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