Going into Business Is More Preferable than Teachi

Going into Business Is More Preferable than Teachi,第1張

Going into Business Is More Preferable than Teachi,第2張

Nowadays college graduates prefer goinginto business to taking a teaching position. According to a study, there are 100 candidates competing for a vacancy (空缺) in big companies, whereas there is only one applicant for a school where 10 teachers might be needed. As a result, many schools and colleges have been suffering an acute (嚴峻的) shortage of teaching staff(師資)。

  Why do so many college graduates show this preference ⅡOne reason is the pay gap. An official report shows that entry level salaries(起薪) for a bank employee or a business executive can be 4 or 10 times higher than the monthly income for a teacher with a master's degree. Actually, high incomes enable people to obtain comforts. Another reason is that going into business is an access to chances for personal success. No wonder college graduates are attracted into more lucrative (賺錢的) and “promising” fields.

  To encourage graduates to take a teaching position, authorities should take some measures to make teaching an appealing job. The pay gap should be narrowed step by step. Besides paid vacations(帶薪度假) and flexible schedules, teachers should be provided with opportunities for expressing the full range of their abilities. Then the pursuit of a spiritual as well as material life will account mainly for graduates' preference for teaching over other jobs.

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