What can I do?,第1張

What can I do?,第2張



  Mary set to work in the kitchen quickly. She was an excellent cook. In thirty minutes the guests——Tom and Mike would arrive.

  Everything was going well. Susan was at the bakery(麪包房)and would return with the birthday cake in about 10 minutes. That would leave just enough time for both of them to get the dinner ready before the boys' arrival. Then the doorbell rang.

  “Excuse me,” a girl asked, “do you happen to know Betty Brown? I can't find her place.”

  “Oh, yes,”Mary said,“She's in No.386 on the next floor. I'll show you the stairs”。

  Mary stepped out side the flat to show the stairway——and a strong wind had blown the door shut.

  “Oh, my goodness! The door's locked and I don't have a key. My dinner is on the stove. What am I going to do?”


  What can I do?

  It was already 6:00 P.m…… Susan was away at the bakery for the birthday cake, while Mary was busy cooking in the kitchen. In 30 minutes, Tom and Mike would arrive for the birthday dinner party.

  Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and a girl was there at the door. She wanted to know where Betty Brown lived. To show her the way, Mary stepped outside her flat. Just then came a strong wind, which blew the door shut. Mary did not know what to do, for her key was locked inside and the dinner was still on the stove.




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