Compling a conversation to a narrative passage

Compling a conversation to a narrative passage,第1張

Compling a conversation to a narrative passage,第2張



  Mass="superseo">ary: Hello, Tom.

  Tom: Hello, Mary.

  Mary: Are we late today?

  Tom: I don't think so.

  Mary: What time is it by your watch?

  Tom: A quarter past seven.

  Mary: Do you live far from the school?

  Tom: No. I live close to the school.

  Mary: How do you go to school every day, then?

  Tom: On foot.

  Mary: Oh! Look out! A car is coming.

  Tom: Thank you! But we must hurry, we'll be late.


  Mary and Peter met each other on their way to school. Mary asked Tom if they were late for school and what time it was by his watch. Tom told her it was a quarter past seven and they were not late. Then Mary asked Peter if he lived far from school. Tom said he lived near the school. And then Mary asked Tom how he went to school every day. He was telling her that he went to school on foot when a car was coming towards them. Mary told Tom to be careful and Tom thanked her and said that had to hurry or they would be late.



  Sun rises, Sunsets. 日出日落。


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