

Internet is an octopus whose feelers are avariciously stretching out and touching almost every field of our daily life as well as geographically every corner in the world. The current wisdom asserts that in times of information, internet serves primarily to quicken the pace of technical innovation. But I wonder what internet has, in reality, brought to the mankind in our practical day-to-day life.

  Internet makes us a fool to whom those big companies dump their trashy goods. One may joyfully say that shopping online shows him/her the ease of life in a modern life. But it is actually not that easy. It suffices to say that the choice of goods online is very limited and the quality is totally unworthy of the high prices.

  What's more, internet rapaciously plunders the resources of our spirit. For that matter, it is not just a cultural wasteland,but a vacuum, which sucks the very soul of civilization and art out of the user.

  One needs to look no further than teenagers to observe how they gradually turn into mouse potatoes and had it not for the in ternet, they would have employed those precious time to develop a meaningful hobby which will, by contrast, last for a life time.

  Let me quote another example. Last week, Sharon, one of my roommates, came back from the school library, complaining that she spent two hours of staring at the material to decide how to find a small cut to begin with her paper and found it did not help. Then she turned to the internet for help. She just switched on the computer, hit those"lovely" keys, moved the"flexible" mouse, and then control C plus control V, and it was done! Everything was O. K. within one hour. It conspicuously implied that the excessive exploitation of internet drives people lazy. And the so called"net culture" provides us nothing but a vulgar world where nonstandard language is flowing while sex and violence are sweeping over.

  Last but not least, internet overturns our traditional way of interpersonal communication. Someone came out and claimed that only on internet did people open their heart and tell the very truth of their own. However, in my point of view, if a person dares not speak frankly face to face, which means he is supposed to bear the responsibility of what he said, how could you expect him to interact from the bottom his heart online? Thus, communication online only promotes an opportunity for those idlers to fulfill curiosity.

  In conclusion, internet is a curse to us rather than a blessing. It accelerates our pace of life but does no good to improve the quality of our life. I have often reflected upon the new vistas that internet has opened us, only to find that its demerits out weighs its merits. The only thing I can say now is that let us cast out nets forward.

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