They are all different (他們各不相同)

They are all different (他們各不相同),第1張

They are all different (他們各不相同),第2張



  Dear students,

  Some of you said that if we have a party in the Geography room, it means you all have to come back in school uniform. They don't want to come back in school uniform. Well, perhaps we can have the party on the day of Warm Christmas, then many of you can come in casual wear. Do you think it is a good idea? Besides, Sharon Chan and Floss said they are also interested in organizing this party, so now we have three organizers——Larry, Sharon and Floss. I guess we still need a few more organizers.

  One of you told me that she cried when she was watching the TV serial Life Rapid (I am not sure if the translation is correct or not)。 Each episode is showing on TV every Sunday night from seven to seven thirty. The last one was about a little boy suffering from blood cancer. She wept especially when she watched the part in which the little boy's brother had to take painful injections so as to help his brother. To tell you the truth, I wept too when I was watching that part.

  One of you told me that she thinks she is a stupid and silly girl. she never complains and speaks up for herself though very often people do many things that are unfair to her. Honestly, in many cases, I am just like her. Many times in my life other people made a fool of me; played tricks on me; made fun of me; etc. But I never fought back, talked back, argued back or stood up and shouted. Yes, I am weak and I am the same kind of person as she is. A Chinese saying is, “Things of the same kind stick together.”

  Another girl said, “It really hurts when your good friend cheats you again and again skilfully and it is clear that it is not a misunderstanding.” I understand. Things like this have happened to me not just once. Oh, one thing-my son is getting well, thank you very much!


  這句子有三個連詞:that、if和一個省略了的that [it means(that)…].因此,我們可找到四個動詞:said、have、means、和have.

  這裡的have可用hold來代替。但若寫成…schedule the party for the day of Warm Christmas,…則會變得很嚴肅。









  若是隔周播放,則說:every other Sunday night.

  cry(cried)是大聲哭;而weep(wept) 是哭泣。

  take painful injections的意思是“接受痛苦的注射”。

  so as to用in order to代替也可,但前者較自然。

  speak up for herself的意思是“爲她自己申辯”。

  這種表達方式比起…do many unfair things to her更流暢。

  爲增強感染力,故運用了made a fool of、played tricks on和made fun of這三個短語;它們雖然看似截然不同,但都是解作“戯弄/使(自己或某人)出醜”。

  這裡的as she is可用like her代替。

  Things of the same kind stick together的意思是“物以類聚”。



  ·It is clear that…√

  ·We are sure that…√

  ·We are clear that…×

  Things like this可用This kind(sort) of things代替。





  我很喜歡4C班的創意。其中有一位學生建議全班用一個月的時間玩一個名爲Master and Angel的遊戯,以此促進同學之間的友情。在以下的STSs中,有一些短語未寫全,請填寫完整。可蓡考其中例子。

  Test Your Understanding

  1. I have a suggestion: why don't we play a game Master and Angel? Are you f ______ w this game? My sister played this game last year to ______ w the whole class. It goes ______ 1ike ______ this: each student p ______ o ______ a piece of paper from a bag. A name is written on that piece of paper. …… Do you understand how to play this game? I hope you do. Maybe it will be difficult for our class. Well, just a suggestion. Don't worry that I will feel sad if you don't take my suggestion.

  2. I am very happy that we have t ______ s ______ feeling about the TV serial Life Rapid. I think b ______ o ______ u ______ are very emotional. Have you watched the episode that I lent you? If yes, do you think it is touching?

  3. Friday will be our school picnic. Will you h ______ a bar ______ or just eat at a restaurant? M ______ I w ______ you a happy picnic day! We know that many activities are not allowed at the school picnic. I hope we will not be bo ______ to de ______.

  4. I really think that you are t ______ s ______ kind of person a ______ I am. We are both shy and weak. We don't talk much but we think a lot. To tell you the truth, my family background is also similar to ______ yours.


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