


1. 一般現在時:(1)表示已經預先計劃或安排好的肯定將要發生的動作.主要用於be, come, go, start, begin, 1eave, return, end, stop, open, take place等瞬間動詞.句中常有表示將來的時間狀語。(2)在時間、條件、方式、讓步狀語從句中.表示將來的動作。如: The match takes place next Monday. / I will not go shopping, if it rains.
  2. 現在進行時: (1)表示最近按計劃或安排要做的事,往往有表示未來的時間狀語. 能夠這樣用的動詞有: arrive, come, leave, return, start, work, play, have等.(2) 與always, constantly, continually, forever等詞連用,表示反複發生的動作或持續存在出狀態,往往帶有說話人的感情色彩。(3)在時間、條件從句中表示將來正在進行的動作。如:We are leaving on Friday. / He is constantly leaving his things about. 他老是亂扔東西./ Don’t interrupt him if he is reading.
  3. 現在完成時: 1)將來完成用法: 用於時間、條件狀語從句中,說明將來某時刻以前動作完成的情況。2)用在固定結搆中:往往是在定語從句中。3) ①"must 完成式”表示過去必定發生過的事情,是對發生在過去的一種行爲的推測。② “should (或ought to) 完成式”表示一個應該在過去做,而沒有做的動作,它往往帶有埋怨和後悔的情緒。如: 1) I’ll go with you as soon as I have finished my work. / It’s (will be) the first time I have been there.
  注: ①表示瞬間行爲動詞come, join, finish, marry, return等不能和表示延續的時間狀語連用, 衹能用系動詞加表語結搆來代替。如: He has been back for over a week. (不能用has come back) / I have been in the army for three years. (不能用have joined) ② since"自從…"以來;for表示時間,從過去開始延續至今,它們都是現在完成時的典型信號詞。③ 句子中有表示過去時的時間副詞(如yesterday, last week, in 1990, ago)時,不能使用現在完成時要用過去時態。
  4. 現在完成進行時: 現在完成進行時表示動作從過去某一時間開始,一直延續到現在,可能還要繼續下去,通常與表示一段時間的狀語連用。如: All the morning, for hours, since this morning… / They have been watching television for two hours. / He has been writing letters since this morning.
  5. 過去完成時:
  1) 過去完成時,表示在過去某—時刻或動作以前已經完成廠的動作.即”過去的過去”.常用的信號詞有by(到……時候爲止), before等介詞短語或用unless, when, after, once, as soon as等連詞引起的表示到過去某—時間爲止的時間狀語來表示.
  2) 過去完成時常用在"no sooner…than”,和”hardly…when (before)”等句型的主句中,從句中常用一般過去時。如: By the end of last year, I had worked in this college for ten years. / No sooner had he finished his performance than the audience began to cheer. (=He had no sooner…than…) (他剛表縯完觀衆就喝採)
  1) be going to口語中常用,表示最近打箅要做的事情; 根據某種跡象表明可能要發生的事情。如:What are you going to do this evening? / Look at the cloud. It is going to rain.
  2) 過去將來時,多見於主句謂語動足一般過去時的賓語從句中。如:He said that he would get married soon.
  3) 過去進行時主要用法之一是描述一件事發生的背景,往往在一個動作發生的過程中,突然發生第二個戯劇性的動作.第二個戯劇性動作爲一般過去時,由when或while引出,意爲”此時”。有二種句型: My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. / Tom slipped into the house when no one was looking. / Someone knocked at the door while I was taking a shower. / Just as I was opening the door, the telephone rang.
  4) 如果兩個動作都引人注目且同時發生,竝沒有一個比另一個更形象,更主要時,那麽兩個動作都可以用過去進行時。如:My husband was reading while I was cooking.
  7. 有些動詞以主動形式出現,卻有被動含義。 如:The knife cuts well. / Nylon underwear washes easily. 尼龍內衣容易洗 / The novels written by the young man sell well. 那個年青人寫的小說銷路好 / This ball-pen writes in four colours. 這支園珠筆可以寫出四種顔色 / The note reads as follows”…”. 字條上寫著:”……”
  8. 短語動詞搆成的被動語態中,介詞或副詞不可省略。如:More schools and hospitals will be set up in the near future. / The old woman has been operated on. (這位老婦人已經動過了手術) / The purse was picked up and handed to the police.
  此外,固定搭配 “動詞 名詞 介詞” 習語中,介詞也不能省掉。 Time must be made good use of./ Less clever children should not be made fun of.





