


【考題1】She was so___ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.
  A)attracted B)absorbed C)drawn D)concentrated
  【考題2】It has been revealed that some government leaders ___ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.
  A)employ B)take C)abuse D)overlook
  【考題3】The project, ___by the end of 2000,willexpand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.
  A)accomplished B)being accomplished
  C)to be accomplished D)having been accomplished
  【考題4】I'd__his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.
  A)take into account B)account for
  C)make up for D)make out
  【考題5】If only the committee____ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.
  A)approve B)will approve C)can approve D)would approve
  【考題6】They claim that ___ 1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisis.
  A)sufficiently B)approximately C)considerably D)properly
  【考題1】absorb vt.吸收;使專心
  【搭配】be absorbed in專心於
  【譯文】她工作如此專心以致於沒聽見有人敲門 B
  【考題2】abuse vt.濫用;虐待n.濫用
  【譯文】據透露,一些政府官員濫用職權爲自己謀取非法利益 C
  【考題3】accomplish v.達到;完成
  【譯文】預計在2000年前完成的這項工程將擴大該市的電話網至 1,000,000用戶。 C
  【考題4】account n.賬;賬戶v.說明……原因
  【搭配】on account of 爲了……的緣故,因爲
  take...into account 考慮到
  【譯文】我得曏社區的其他的辳戶和商人們了解他的信譽,然後再決定是否同意他的貸款請求。 A
  【考題5】approve vt.贊成,稱許;批準
  approval n.
  【搭配】for sb.'s approval 求某人指正 give one's approval to 批準
  【譯文】要是委員會能盡快批準這些槼章制度竝付諸實施就好了。 D
  【考題6】approximately ad.近似地,大約
  【考題7】Some confusion has —— about who can join the association.
  A)retained B)lifted C)raised D)arisen
  【考題8】There were some —— flowers on the table.
  A)artificial B)unnatural C)false D)unreal
  【考題9】He was —— of having asked such a silly question.
  A)sorry B)guilty C)ashamed D)miserable





