大學英語四級考試考前強化輔導詞滙結搆 5

大學英語四級考試考前強化輔導詞滙結搆 5,第1張

大學英語四級考試考前強化輔導詞滙結搆 5,第2張

1. The new washing machines are ____ at the rate of fifty a day.
A) turned out B) turned up C) turned down D) turned in
2. He failed to supply the facts relevant ____the case in question.
A) for B) to C) with D) of
3. So far there is no proof ____spaceships from other planets do exist.
A) which B) how C) that D) what
4. To our delight, she quickly adapted herself____ the new environment.
A) with B) of C) to D) into
5. Zip code on letters and packages indicates the postal ____ to which they are being sent.
A) area B) region C) district D) zone
6. Only after he has acquired considerable facility in speaking ____ to learn to read and write.
A) he began B) he begins C) will he begin D) do he begin
7. If he hadn't spoken to the salesgirl beforehand, he might have spent more money than he had ____?
A) didn't he B) mightn't he C) couldn't he D) hadn't he
8. A bridge can be defined ____ a structure getting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road or railways.
A) as B) like C) to D) with
9. It____ little to us who is elected president of the United States.
A) happens B) occurs C) minds D) matters
10. Acoustics____ one of the oldest of the physical sciences.
A) was B) are C) is D) being
11. These young seedlings will require ____carefully.
A) to look after B) having looked after
C) looking after D) to have looked after
12. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling____.
A) income B)allowances C) wages D) pay
13. Never before ____so highly successful in his attempts to modify the weather on a very small scale.
A)man has been B)has man been C)man is D)will be man
14. The president approved of the requirement that all graduating students in the college __________ a thesis.
A)must write B)wrote C)write D)had written
15.If your coat is too large, the tailor can ____it to fit you.
A) alter B)convert C)change D) modify
16. Switzerland is well-known1for its impressive mountainous _________.
A) scenes B)scenery C)sights D) views
17.The repairman examined the car engine _______ but could not find anything wrong with it.
A) exactly B)precisely C)approximately D) thoroughly
18. I doubt whether he can __________ his efforts much longer as he looks very tired.
A)hold up B)keep on C)hold on D)keep up
19. You will want two trees about ten feet apart from ____to suspend your tent .
A) there B)which C)them D) where
20. By the end of the century, it is likely that the oceans of the world ____by all the rubbish poured into them.
A)are being polluted B)will have been polluted
C)will be polluting D)would have been polluted
21. Hot metal ____as it grows cooler.
A)contracts B)condenses C)reduces D)compresses
22. His ears are highly sensitive ____any unusual sound in the machine.
A)in B)to C)at D)for
23. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe ____ by the judge.
A)service B)crime C)sentence D) accuse
24. There were some ____flowers on the table.
A)artificial B)unnatural C)false D) unreal
25. I slipped on the stairs and fell down,____ breaking my leg.
A)so B)hence C)thus D) therefore
26 .____the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
A)In spite of B)Because of C)But for D)As for
27. He was almost asleep, _____with all this hard work.
A) worn B)worn off C)worn out D)worn away
28. Try ____the voltage and see what will happen to the circuit.
A)to increase B) having increased
C)increasing D)to have increased
29. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ____of course, made the others jealous.
A)who B)which C)that D)what
30. You can' t afford to let the situation get worse. You must take____ to put it right.
A)decisions B)sides C)directions D) steps
1. As long as you do your ____________, I’ll take care of the rest.
A)portion B) share C) part D) section
2. He ____us but that he was short of money.
A)would help B) helped C) would have helped D) had helped
3.____, I will marry him all the same.
A) Were he rich or poor B) Being rich or poor
C) Be he rich or poor D) Whether rich or rich
4. He has little ____of those who oppose the war.
A) preference B) tolerance C) inclination D) liking
5. One no longer needs to go up to the TV set and push buttons. Every new TV has a ____control.
A) distant B) remote C) removed D) extensive
. The writer's choice of words is simply a matter of ____style.
A) personal B) personnel C) private D) individual
7. You have made a very ____decision. It's probably the best thing you can do at this moment.
A) sensitive B) respective C) sensible D) respected
8. When you ____my age, you'll understand what I mean.
A) attain B) achieve C) acquire D) obtain


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