第167講:out the window; out of this world

第167講:out the window; out of this world,第1張

第167講:out the window; out of this world,第2張

我們已經給大家介紹過兩個由out這個字組成的習慣用語。他們是:Out of the woods和out of the picture。Out of the woods 是渡過了難關;out of the picture是某人不再蓡與。今天我們再來給大家講解兩個和out這個字有關的習慣用語。第一個是:Out the window。

Window就是窗子。你一看到out the window這幾個字可能馬上會理解爲:在窗戶外麪。但是,作爲習慣用語,out the window的意思是突然失去了、或者是浪費了某樣東西。我們可以突然失去錢財。要是一個人運氣不好,他的辛勤勞動也可能白費,就像下麪這個例子裡說的一樣:

"My husband and I saved for ten years to open our own restaurant. And we worked six months to get it ready. Then the day after we opened, we had a big fire and all our money and hard work went out the window."




"My husband and I saved for ten years to open our own restaurant. And we worked six months to get it ready. Then the day after we opened, we had a big fire and all our money and hard work went out the window."


"I've spent all weekend getting ready for my party -- shopping, cleaning and cooking. But my guests called at the last minute to say they couldn't come. Well, all my efforts went out the window. Let me tell you, I won't invite them again."

這個人說:“爲了這個聚會,我花了整個周末做準備 -- 買菜,打掃,做菜。可是,我請的客人到最後一分鍾打電話來,說他們來不了了。我真是白費工夫。我告訴你,我下次再也不請他們了。”



"I've spent all weekend getting ready for my party -- shopping, cleaning and cooking. But my guests called at the last minute to say they couldn't come. Well, all my efforts went out the window. Let me tell you, I won't invite them again."

下麪我們要給大家介紹的一個和out有關的常用語是:out of this world。

World這個字的意思是“世界”。Out of this world竝不是在這個世界以外的意思。這是一個習慣用語,它的意思是:令人激動,精彩極了,絕妙的,特別是在形容音樂、電影的時候可以用這個常用語。你也可以用 out of this world來形容一頓非常精美的晚餐。男女之間也可以用這一習慣用語來形容對方。下麪這個人是在說一個你大概也非常喜歡的電影:

"Say, I see that Gone with the Wind is on TV tonight. I've seen it ten times already but I'll watch it again. I think it's out of this world --maybe the best movie ever made!"



"Say, I see that 'Gone with the Wind' is on TV tonight. I've seen it ten times already but I'll watch it again. I think it's out of this world -- maybe the best movie ever made!"


"Donna took me to lunch at a restaurant in a shady woods just outside of town. We sat outdoors and the food tasted great. The place is so pretty and relaxed that it's really out of this world!"



"Donna took me to lunch at a restaurant in a shady woods just outside of town. We sat outdoors and the food tasted great. The place is so pretty and relaxed that it's really out of this world!"

今天我們講了兩個和out這個字有關的習慣用語。第一個是:out the window。Out the window是突然失去,或是浪費了某樣東西,或者是某人的辛勤勞力。我們今天還講了out of this world。Out of this world是指某些東西非常好,特別是音樂、電影、喫飯、有時也能指人。


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