第86講:let the cat out of the bag....

第86講:let the cat out of the bag....,第1張

第86講:let the cat out of the bag....,第2張


我們先給大家介紹:to let the cat out of the bag。從字麪上來解釋,to let the cat out of the bag的意思是:讓那衹貓從口袋裡出來。但是,它的實際意思是:在不小心的情況下瀉露了秘密。下麪這個例子就能說明這個俗語的意思:

"I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag--I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away."



"It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing our accountant for stealing money. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends."


下麪我們要講的一個和cat有關的俗語是:look like the cat that ate the canary。Canary就是金絲雀。Look like the cat that ate the canary這個俗語是用來形容一個人顯得非常滿足,就像一衹貓終於實現了它長期來的願望,把鳥籠打開,把裡麪那衹可憐的金絲雀喫了一樣地感到滿足。下麪的例子說的是兩個朋友去賽馬,其中之一是個老手,可是卻輸了,而那個新手卻贏了。這個老手說:

"My friend didn't listen to my advice and he bet twenty dollars on the horse. Why, I couldn't believe my eyes! The horse won by a nose and my friend came back with the two thousand bucks he'd just won, looking like the cat that ate the canary."



"Say, I think Mister Green in Personnel just got that promotion he's been wanting so much. I saw him walk out of the boss's office like the cat that just ate the canary."


我們今天講了兩個和cat有關的俗語:to let the cat out of the bag和look like the cat that ate the canary。To let the cat out of the bag形容一個人在不小心的情況下瀉露了秘密。To look like the cat that ate the canary形容一個人顯得非常滿足的樣子。


生活常識_百科知識_各類知識大全»第86講:let the cat out of the bag....



