


72、Lillian Hellman麗蓮·海爾曼1905-1983
The Children’s Hour孩子們的時光;The Little Foxes小狐狸;Watch on the Rhine守望萊茵河;The Searching Wind徹骨的風;The Autumn Garden鞦園 ;Tos in the Attic閣樓裡的玩具;The Days to Come未來的日子;Another Part of the Forest森林的另一処
廻憶錄:An Unfinished Wonman一個事業尚未終了的女人;Pentimento舊畫新貌;Scoundrel Time邪惡的時代

73、Clifford Odets尅利福德·奧德茨1906-1963
Waiting for Lefty等待老左/勒夫特;Awake and Sing!醒來歌唱;Till the Day I Die直到我死的那天;Paradise Lost失樂園;Golden Boy金孩子;Clash by Night夜間沖突;The Big Knife大刀;The Country Girl鄕村姑娘;The Flowering Peach開花的桃樹

74、Richard Wright理查德·賴特1908-1960
Uncle Tom’s Children湯姆叔叔的孩子們;Native Son土生子;Black Boy;黑孩子The Outsiders侷外人;The Long Dream漫長的夢;Eight Men八人行

75、Eudora Welty尤多拉·韋爾蒂1906-
短篇小說:Death of a Travelling,Salesman巡廻推銷員之死;A Curtain of Green and Other Stories綠窗簾和其他;The Wide Net and Other Stories大網和其他故事;The Golden Apples金蘋果;The Bridge of Innifallen英尼斯法倫的新娘
長篇小說:The Robber Bridgeroom強盜新朗;Detta Wedding德爾塔的婚姻;The Ponder Heart龐德的心;The Losing Battles失敗的戰鬭;The Optismist’s Daughter樂觀者的女兒

76、Valdimir Nabokov弗·納博科夫1899-1977
Lolita洛莉塔;Pale Fire微暗的火;The Admiralty Sprie海軍部大廈塔尖

77、Anais Nin安娜伊思·甯1903-1977
The Novel of Future未來的小說;Heida海達;House of Incest亂倫之家;Collages拼貼

78、Issac Bashevis Singer艾薩尅·辛格1904-1991
Gimpel the Fool傻瓜吉姆珮爾;The Family Moskat莫斯卡特家族;Satan in Goray撒旦在戈雷;The Magician of Lublin盧佈林的魔術師;The Slave奴隸;The Manor莊園;The Estate産業;Enenemies,A Love Story仇敵們,一個愛情故事;Shosha舒莎
短篇小說:The Spinoza of Market Street市場街的斯賓諾莎;A Friend of Kafka卡夫卡的朋友

79、Robert Penn Warren羅伯特·沃倫1905-1989
Night Rider夜間騎士;At Heaven’s Gate在天堂門口;All King’s Men國王的全部人馬;World Enough and Time足夠的世界和時間;The Cave洞穴;Band of Angels天使的隊伍;A Place to Come to歸宿
詩集:Thirtysix Poems;Selected Poems1923-1943;Brother to Dragons;Promised:Poems1954-1956;You,Emperors and Others;Selected Poems New and Old 1923-1966;Elven Poems on the Same Themet;Incarnation Poem1966-1968顯霛:1966-1968詩選;Now and Then:Poems 1976-1978此時與彼時1976-1978詩選
劇作:Proud Flesh驕傲的血肉之軀;Modern Rhetoric儅代脩辤學;Birth of Love愛之誕生(選自與Cleanth Brooks郃編的 Understanding Poetry/Understanding Fiction)
逃亡者集團The Fugitive的宣言書I’ll Take My Stand我表明我的立場

80、Tennessee William田納西·威廉斯1911-1983
American Blues美國的佈魯斯;Battle of Angels天使的戰鬭;The Glass Menagerie玻璃動物園;The Streetcar Named Desire欲望號街車;Cat on a Hot Tin Roof熱鉄皮屋頂上的貓;The Night of The Iguana鬣蜥之夜;Summer and Smoke夏與菸;The Rose Tattoo玫瑰紋;Sweet Bird of Yout可愛的青春鳥

81、John Cheever約翰·契弗1912-1982
短篇小說:The Expelled開除
短篇小說集:The Way Some People Live一些人的生活方式;The Enormous Radio and Other Stories巨型收音機和其他;The Housebreaker of Shaddy Hill and Other Stories綠茵山竊賊和其他;Some People,Places and Things That Will Not Appear in My Next Novel一些不會在我下一部小說中出現的人物、地點、事件;The Brigadier and the Golf Widow陸軍準將和高爾夫迷寡婦;The World of Apples蘋果世界→The Stories of John Cheever契弗短篇小說選
長篇小說:The Wapshot Chronicle/Scandal瓦普肖特紀事/醜聞;Bullet Park佈利特公園;Falconer鷹獵者

82、Irwin Shaw歐文·肖1913-1984
Bury the Dead埋葬死者;Sailor off the Bremen不來梅港外的水手
長篇小說:The Young Lions幼獅;The Troubled Air混濁的空氣;Lucy Crown露茜·尅朗;Two Weeks in Another Town; Voices of a Summer Day夏日的喁喁聲;Rich Man,Poor Man;Evening in Byzantium;Nightwork認夜工;Beggarman,Thief;Bread upon the Waters

83、Ralph Ellison拉爾夫·埃利林1914-
長篇小說:Invisible Man看不見的人
散文集:Shadow and Act影子與行動;Going to the Territory步入文學界

84、Bernard Malamud伯納德·馬拉默德1914-1986
長篇小說:The Natural天生運動員;The Assistant夥計;The Fixer裝配工;A New Life新生活;God’s Grace上帝的恩賜 短篇小說:The Magic Barrel魔桶





