




  Kate and Sandy are American students.. they ___1____ sisters. They live ____2____ now. Kate is ___3____ than Sandy. She likes living in town very much. Kate thinks living in town is ____4_____ than ___5____ in the country. There are more parks shops and cinemas in town than in the country. She especially likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights ____6___ are more beautiful than the stars. She likes to read and reads ___7____ than Sandy. Often Kate reads until very late at night. Sandy likes the country ____8____. She thinks the country life is quiet. There is less noise and fewer cars. She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy. She often helps her aunt ___9____ her work. Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Kate. In the country Sandy can longer than in town. She also thinks running in the country ___10___ the most exciting thing to do.

  1. A.am B.is C.are D. /

  2. A. in the town

  B. in town C. in the country

  D. in country

  3. A. old B. older

  C. more old D. more older

  4.A. interesting

  B. more interesting

  C. beautiful D. more beautiful

  5. A. live B. living

  C. to live D. is living
  6.A. at night B. at the night

  C. in night D. in the night

  7.A. quickly B. more quickly

  C.quicklier D. more quickly

  .8.A. good B.well

  C. better D. best

  .9.A.for B. at C. to D. with

  .10.A.am B.is C.are D. /


  1.C 短文講到Kate 與Sandy是姐妹, 在英語中如果說到“是什麽”或“怎麽樣”要用到be動詞,主語是複數they 時態是一般現在時,所以應選C。

  2.B 表示某人住在某地,應用動詞live 加介詞in 再加地點名詞,通過後麪句子可知“他們住在城鎮 ”應用live in town。

  3.B 通過句子分析,句中有比較級的標志詞than,所以此句話應用比較級,根據所提供的答案,old 的比較級形式應是older。所以應選B。

  4.B 通過句子分析,句中有比較級的標志詞than 所以應用比較級,interesting的比較級是在其前加more. 所以應選B。

  5.B 通過第4題,我們知道這句話應用比較級,根據比較的對象應一致,應是living in town 與 living in the country 進行比較。 所以應選B。

  6.A 這道題考的是固定搭配情況, 表示“在晚上 ” 應說at night. 所以答案應選A。

  7.B 根據句中的than 這句話也應用比較級, 而quickly的比較級應是在其前加more搆成。 所以答案應選B。

  8.C 通過通讀整段文章,文中衹提到兩個地點, 一個是in town 另一個是in the country,兩者進行比較, 應用比較級。 所以答案應選C。

  9.D 此題考的是固定搭配情況,“幫某人某事 ”應說help sb. with sth. 所以答案應選D。

  10.B 做這道題,關鍵在於弄清楚主語是什麽,是單數還是複數, 通過句子分析,這是一個賓語從句,從句的主語爲running in the country 是一個單數。 所以選B。





