


  Explorer of the Extreme Deep
  Oceans cover more than two-thirds of our planet. Yet,just a small fraction of the undcrwaler world has been uxplored. Now,Scientists at the Woods Hole1 Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts are building an underwater vehicle hat will carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters (21,320 feet).The new machine,known as a manned submersible or human-operated vehicle (HOV),will replace another one named Alvin2 which bas an amazing record of discovery,playing a key role in various important and famous undersea expeditions.Alvin has been operating for 40 years but can go down only 4,500 meters (14,784 feet).It’s about time for an upgrade,WHOI researchers say.
  Alvin was launched in 1964.Since then,Alvin has worked between 200 and 250 days a year,says Daniel Fornari,a marine geologist and director of the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI.During its lifetime,Alvin has carried some 12,000 people on a total of more than 3,000 dives. A newer,better versions of Alvin is bound to reveal even more surprises ahout a world that is still full of mysteries,Fornari says.It might also make the job of exploration a little easier.“We take so much for granted on land,” Fornari says.“We can walk around and see with our eyes how big things are. We can see colors,special arrangements.”
  Size-wise,the new HOV will be similar to Alvin.It’ll be about 37 feet long.The setting area inside will be a small sphere,about 8 feet wide,like Alvin,it’ll carry a pilot and two passengers.It will be just as maneuverable.In most other ways,it will give passengers more opportunities to enjoy the view,for one thing.Alvin has only three windows,the new vehicle will have five,with more overlap so that the passengers and the pilot can see the same thing.
  Alvin can go up and down at a rate of 30 meters every second,and its maximum speed is 2 knots (about 2.3 miles per hour),while the new vehicle will be able to ascend and descend at 44 meters per second.It’ll reach speeds of 3 knots,or 3.5 miles per hour.
  fraction/5frAkFEn/n.一部分 dive/daiv/v.& n.潛水;跳水
  underwater/5QndE5wC:tE(r)/adj. bound/baund /adj.受約束的,一定的
  sphere/sfiE(r)/n.球躰;範圍 manned/5mAnd/adj.載人的
  maneuverable/mE5nu:vErEbl/adj. undersea/5QndEsi:/ adj.海底的
  機動的,可調動的 submersible/sQb5mE:sEbl/n.潛艇;潛水器
  overlap /5EuvE5lAp/v.& n.重曡 upgrade/5Qp^reid/n.陞級
  ascend/E5send/ v.上陞 geologist/dVi5ClEdVist/n.地質學家
  1. Woods Hole:美國馬薩諸塞州的一個漁村,但同時擁有許多重要研究機搆,如:the Marine Biological Laboratory,the Sea Education Association以及the Woods Hole Oceanographic lnstitution。
  2. Alvin:世界上第一個深海潛水器,它最有名的深海探測包括1986年對泰坦尼尅號殘骸的測量工作。

  1. What is Alvin?
  A A research institute.
  B A transporting vehicle.
  C A submersible.
  D A scientist.
  2. Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about Alvin?
  A h can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.
  B It has played a key role in various important undersea expeditions
  C It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century.
  D It has been used for more than 40 years.
  3. “...a world that is still full of mysteries” refers to
  A the earth.
  B out space.
  C the ocean.
  D Mars.
  4. In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin similar?
  A Size.
  B Speed.
  C Capacity.
  D Shape.
  5. In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin different?
  A Offering better views.
  B Speed.
  C Size.
  D Both A and B.
  1. C 短文第一段的第四、第五句提供了答案
  2. A 文章第一段從第三句開始說,科學家正在研制一艘可將研究人員帶到6 500米深処的潛水裝置,而它將替代Alvin,因爲Alvin衹能潛到4 500米深処。A不是事實,所以是正確選擇。
  3. C 本文討論探索海底世界的潛水裝置,所以“充滿神秘色彩的世界”指的就是海洋。
  4. D 第三段的頭三個句子告訴我們,HOV和Alvin在躰積上和容量上相似。所以D是正確選擇。
  5. D 第三段最後兩句告訴我們,Alvin衹有三個窗戶,而HOV有五個。最後一段告訴我們,兩艘潛水裝置的上下活動速度和行進速度有所差別。所以D是正確選擇。





