


Lesson 68 The New Student 新來的學生


  dialect n. 方言,土話

  dialectic n. 辯証法;adj. 辯証的

  diameter n. 直逕

  diaphanous adj. 透明的,精致的

  diatribe n. (口頭或書麪猛烈的)譴責,諷刺

  dichotomy n. 一分爲二,本質對立

  dictate vt. 命令,槼定;決定,確定

  dictator n. *者

  dictatorial adj. *的,專斷的

  dictatorship n. *政治,專政

  diction n. 措辤,用語

  dictum n. 聲明,名言

  diet n. 飲食,食物;保健菜單;vi. 節食,忌食

  dietitian n. 營養學家

  dietetics n. 營養學

  differentiate v. 區分,區別

  diffidence n. 缺乏自信

  diffident adj. 羞怯的,缺乏自信的

  diffuse v. 擴散;散播; adj. 散開的,彌漫的

  digest vt. 消化

  digestion n. 消化

  digestive adj. 消化的;助消化的

  “She’s very stylish and she can speak several Latin dialects,” Jane commented. “Did you see her wearing that elegant diaphanous jacket today? The sheer material diffuses the light like a diamond. I heard that she is major in dietetics.”

  “She’s as pretty as a dictator’s wife,” replied Mary. “However, I’m more impressed with her dialectic method of thinking in philosophy class. She’s very clever. Yesterday, she explained the dichotomy between the active principle of yang and the passive principle of yin. I have no doubt she would make a good dietitian. She’s so slim. She must be on a special low-fat diet.”

  “I think she’s as ugly as a frog,” said Sally. “Maybe she can speak several dialects but she probably has very poor diction. If I had the dictatorial power in a dictatorship, I would dictate that she be kept in detention for appearing too pretentious. Besides, I’ve seen her eat a lot of junk food that is bad for digestion. My guess is that she doesn’t digest it. She probably does a lot of vomiting. Her digestive system must be in terrible shape.”

  “Sally, that was an unwarranted diatribe against her!” Jane said with a laugh. “You’re just jealous because the diameter of your stomach is probably twice that of her stomach. Remember the dictum our professor taught us, ‘diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite.’”

  Sally rolled her eyes. “I hate her because all the men I like are attracted to her. I’d be less diffident if the men wouldn’t differentiate between us all the time.”





