


1. suffer (vi.) / pain (vt.)

  sb suffers from / It/sth pains sb to do

  2. spend / take

  sb spends… on/in / it takes sb … to do

  3. contain / include

  sth contains sth / sth/sb includes sth (in)

  4. accept / receive

  accept a gift/ receive an education / a blow

  5. accidentally (出乎意料,突然性) / occasionally (時間頻度)

  6. afford / offer

  can / be able to afford to do / offer sb sth / offer to do

  7. alike/ the same (…as) / similar to

  8. alive / lively / living / live (adj. / adv.)[broadcast live]

  9. alone (adj./adv.) / lonely (adj.)

  10. enjoy / amuse

  sb enjoys sth/doing sth; sth amuses sb

  11. another / other

  another 單數名詞; other 複數名詞

  12. answer (v.) / reply to (vi.)

  13. look / seem / appear

  look / seem / appear adj.

  seem / appear to be / do

  14. catch / arrest

  15. ashamed / shameful

  sb is ashamed of sth / shameful behavior

  16. avoid / prevent

  sb avoids doing sth / sb prevent sb from doing sth

  17. beat / win

  beat sb (the team / group/ the army) / win sth

  18.besides / except

  besides this photo (this photo included) / except this photo (this photo excluded)

  19. borrow / lend

  sb borrows sth from / sb lends sth to sb else

  20. by doing / in doing / on doing

  21. cause / make

  cause sb to do / make sb do

  22. company (公司;陪伴) / companion (夥伴,伴侶)

  23. competition / race (in speed)

  24. end (結束)/ finish (完成)

  The meeting ended. / He finished the job.

  25. continuous (without break or stop) / continual

  26. cost / spend

  sth costs sb sth / it costs sb sth to do





