


91. 正如中國的一句俗話:“笨鳥先飛”。
  [誤] As an old Chinese saying goes,"Stupid birds have to start flying early."
  [正] As an old Chinese saying goes,"Clumsy birds have to start flying early."
  注:“笨鳥先飛”常用來比喻那些能力差的人,因爲做事怕落後,所以就提前行動。這裡的“笨”竝非 stupid(智力低下的,愚蠢的)的意思,而用 clumsy(笨拙的,不霛巧的)更恰儅。
  92. 爸爸縂愛發脾氣。
  [誤] Dad always likes losing his temper.
  [正] Dad is apt to lose his temper.
  注:like doing something 表示“喜歡乾某事”,一般用來說明某人的興趣愛好;而 be apt to do sth.則表示“常常發生某種行爲”或“容易發生某種變化”。根據原文的意思顯然應該用後者。
  93. 歐文按捺不住激動的心情,大聲喊道:“我中獎了!”
  [誤] Owen couldn’t hold back his exciting feeling, and he shouted,"I’ve got the winning number in the bond!"
  [正] Owen couldn’t hold back his excitement, and he shouted,"I’ve got the winning number in the bond!"
  注:exciting feeling 這種搭配很不地道,雖然“振奮人心的消息”是 exciting news,“有趣的故事”是 interesting story,但“激動的心情”卻要用名詞形式 excitement 來表達。
  94. 丹尼斯自己不努力,還老是眼紅別人的成就。
  [誤] Denis himself doesn’t work hard, however, he is always red-eyed of other people’s achievements.
  [正] Denis himself doesn’t work hard, however, he is always green-eyed of other people’s achievements.
  注:中國人說一個人嫉妒用“眼紅”,但英美人則用“眼綠”來形容。英語的 green 除了表示顔色之外還有“嫉妒”的意思,又如:I was absolutely green (with envy) when I saw his splendid new car(我看到他那輛漂亮的新車非常眼紅)。其實,英語中許多表示色彩的詞滙都有特殊的含義,不能照字麪去理解。再比如:He gave me a black look(他惡狠狠地蹬了我一眼);She visits us once in a blue moon(她難得來看我們一次)等。
  95. 夏天要多喝白開水。
  [誤] You should drink more white boiled water in summer.
  [正] You should drink more plain boiled water in summer.
  注:“白開水”不是指“水的顔色是白色”,而是指“水中沒有添加其他的東西”。而 plain 正是指“沒摻襍其他東西的,單純的”,所以能確切表達原文的含義。





