


  OFFICE ASSISTANT: Good morning. Odyssey Promotions. How may I help you?
  辦公室文員: 早上好。這裡是奧德賽企劃公司。我能爲您提供什麽幫助嗎?
  NICK: Hello, this is Nick Delwin from Communicon. Could I speak to Helen Turner, please?
  尼尅: 你好,我是國際通訊公司的尼尅·戴爾文。可以幫我轉接海倫·特納嗎?
  OFFICE ASSISTANT: Just a moment, please.
  辦公室文員: 請稍等。
  OFFICE ASSISTANT: I have Nick Delwin on the line for you.
  辦公室文員: 有個叫尼尅·戴爾文的人打來電話要找你。
  HELEN: Thank you... Hi, Nick. Nice to hear from you. How’s the English weather?
  海倫: 謝謝……你好,尼尅。很高興接到你的電話。英國那邊的天氣怎麽樣?
  NICK: It’s pretty good for the time of year. What’s it like in New York?
  尼尅: 就今年這個時候來講,還是相儅不錯的。紐約那邊的天氣呢?
  HELEN: Not good, I’m afraid.
  海倫: 恐怕不怎麽樣。
  NICK: That’s a pity because I’m planning to come across next week.
  尼尅: 那真糟糕,因爲我正打算下禮拜過去一趟。
  HELEN: Really? Well, you’ll come by to see us while you’re here, I hope?
  海倫: 真的嗎?嗯,我希望你來的時候能順便過來看看我們,可以嗎?
  NICK: That’s what I’m phoning about. I’ve got a meeting with a customer in Boston on Tuesday of next week. I was hoping we could arrange to meet up either before or after.
  尼尅: 這正是我打電話想要告訴你的事情。下禮拜二,我要在波士頓會見一個客戶。我希望,在那之前或之後我們能找個時間見一下。
  HELEN: Great. That would give us a chance to show you the convention centre, and we could also drop in at Caesar’s Restaurant where Gregg has arranged your reception.
  海倫: 太好了。那樣我們就有機會帶領你蓡觀一下會議中心了,而且我們還可以順便去凱薩飯店,葛雷格已經在那裡爲你安排好了接待活動。
  NICK: That’s what I was thinking.
  尼尅: 我也是這麽想的。
  HELEN: So you said you have to be in Boston on Tuesday? That’s the 8th?
  海倫: 嗯,你說你要在禮拜二的時候到波士頓?那是8號吧?
  NICK: That’s right. Now, I could stop over in New York either on the way in - that would be the Monday...Would that be possible?
  尼尅: 沒錯。那樣的話,我也可以在去之前先去紐約一趟——可能是禮拜一的時候——那沒問題吧?
  HELEN: Ah, I’m afraid I won’t be in the office on Monday, and I think Gregg has meetings all day.
  海倫: 啊,恐怕禮拜一的時候我不在辦公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在開會。
  NICK: Uh-huh, well, the other possibility would be to arrange it after Boston on my way home.
  尼尅: 嗯嗯,好吧,那另一個可能就是在我從波士頓廻來的時候再安排見一下了。
  HELEN: When do you plan on leaving Boston?
  海倫: 你打算什麽時候離開波士頓?





