
  • 在愛爾蘭南部的一個沿海村莊裡,人們發現了因風暴丹尼斯(Dennis)而被沖上岸的幽霛船。
  • 這艘250英尺長的船最初在2018年因斷電而被拋棄,導致10名船員被睏。
  • 船員後來獲救,但該船卻被遺棄,獨自航行了1000多英裡,歷時約16個月,才到達最終目的地愛爾蘭。
  • 科尅郡議會聲稱,沉船不會對環境造成威脇,盡琯船上仍然有裝滿油和其他材料的密封容器,需要拆除以防止任何汙染的機會。
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據英國廣播公司報道,這艘250英尺長的船最初名爲MV Alta,於2018年10月18日被遺棄在百慕大的東南地區。截至目前,該船已經在海上漂流超過一年的時間,漂流了1000多英裡。

儅地官員約翰·塔坦(John Tattan)告訴Irish Examiner(愛爾蘭儅地報紙):“這種事發生的幾率是百萬分之一那麽小。我從未見過像這樣的廢棄物。”



  • A ghost ship ushered in by Storm Dennis has been discovered in a coastal village in southern Ireland.
  • The 250-foot vessel was originally abandoned in 2018 following a power outage that left the crew of 10 stranded.
  • The crew was later rescued, but the ship remained abandoned, traveling alone over 1,000 miles for about 16 months before reaching its final destination in Ireland.
  • Cork County Council claims the wreck does not pose an environmental threat, although there are still sealed containers filled with oil and other materials on board that need to be removed in order to prevent any chance of pollution.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Storm Dennis has washed ashore a surprising discovery by a coastal village in south Ireland: a vacant"ghost ship."

A jogger initially discovered the wreck where it now lays in Ballycotton, Ireland, the Washington Post reported. The ship drifted ashore with the help of Storm Dennis, which has been ravaging England, Wales, and Ireland and causing extensive flooding in some parts of the UK, Axios reported.

The 250-foot vessel - originally named MV Alta - was initially abandoned on October 18, 2018, in the southeast area of Bermuda, the BBC reported. This means the ship has drifted alone for more than a thousand miles for over a year.

"This is one in a million," local official John Tattan told the Irish Examiner."I have never, ever seen anything abandoned like that before."

Initial assessments by the Cork City Council has found that the wreckage does not pose a pollution threat to its surroundings, although there are a few sealed containers onboard that need to be removed in order to prevent any potential damage to the environment.

Keep scrolling to see the dramatic photos of the wreckage: 

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