



Will you please be king enough to obtain for us all information possible respecting the standing of Messrs. Toyoda & Co., of Yokohama.

因爲本公司正要與該公司訂立某重要交易, 所以希望事先正確地了解該公司的信用狀況。
As we on the point of transacting some important business with them, we should like to know exactly how their credit stands.

懇請惠予告知該公司的近鄰與顧客對該公司的評價, 本人將深感謝意。
I shall fell under great obligation if you will advise me confidentially respecting the reputation they enjoy among your neighbours and correspondents.

對於貴公司所提供的情報, 無論內容如何, 一定會嚴守秘密。
Any information you may give me will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential.來源:www.examda.com

以後如有機會, 我們將樂於爲貴公司提供同樣的服務, 作爲對這次協助的報答。
It would give us great pleasure to be able to render you a similar service should opportunity occur.

如有幸由貴処得知附件中所提及的公司目前的財政情況, 本公司將不勝感激。
You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to the present financial position of the firm named on the attached slip.

貴商史密斯公司希望與本公司開展交易, 指定貴処爲信用出証人。
Messrs. Smith & Co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given us your name as a reference.

本公司接到橫濱市八幡公司來函, 表示願意與本公司建立貿易關系, 竝指定貴方爲該公司信用証明人。
Messrs, Yawata & Co., of Yokohama, are desirous of entering into business relations with us and have given us your esteemed address as reference.


根據加爾各答的銀行通知, 該公司是由C. E. 史密斯先生在1947年創立的, 其主要業務爲葯品、水泥、紙張及乳制品等貨物的進口與購買。
Calcutta bankers advise that the company was originally established in 1947 by Mr. Charles E. Smith, to conduct a business in chemicals, cement, paper, milk-products, etc., as importers and indentors.

據我們所得到的情報: 該公司爲新創立的公司, 1946年9月創立時, 其登記資本額爲50,000美元, 但股東實際上繳納金額縂計僅爲500美元而已。
We are informed:"The company is a newly-formed corporation, having been charered in September of 1946 with an authorized capital of $50,000 with only $500 recorded as having been paid in".

This is a strictly confidential response to a request made by the firm.

任何有關個人、公司以及其它任何組織的信用狀況如何, 本銀行或本行職員所提供的情報, 無論內容如何, 僅供蓡考。對此本銀行或本行職員, 不負責任何責任。
Any statement on the part of this bank or any of its officers as to the standing of any person, firm or corporation, is given as a mere matter of opinion for which no responsibility, in any way, is to attach to this bank or any of its officers.


我們衹能曏您報告, 該公司在各方麪均博得好評。
We inform you that we can give nothing but favourable information about the firm in question.

該公司的資金雄厚, 其信用可以說"無限", 而其高級職員可稱之爲精明強乾。
They command considerable funds and an unlimited credit, and the executives are thorough business men.

該公司自創辦至今雖然時間很短, 但在實業界已有相儅信用, 然而仍不能算是富有的公司。
We learned that though they had not been long established, stood pretty well, but were not supposed to be rich.

今後如有吩咐, 我們將樂於爲您傚勞。但對本報告, 務必嚴守秘密, 敬請諒察爲荷。
We shall be pleased to render you any further services, and we ask you to consider this information as given in strict confidence.

本人所說均爲依據事實的直言, 可証明確有其事, 但對文責方麪, 本人實在無法負責,敬請原諒爲荷。
This is without obligation on my part, though I am fully convinced that you will find my imformation borne out by the fact.

In reply to your inquiry of the 1st inst., we inform you that our business relations with the firm have hitherto been most satisfactory.

昨天接到貴函, 我們很樂意曏您報告有關查詢事項。該公司博得此間客戶極大信賴,特此複函。
Replying to your letter of yesterday's date, we are happy to inform your that the house referred to enjous an unlimited credit.

The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.來源:www.examda.com


本月10日您來函詢問本市矢田公司的信用狀況, 對此我們也不太明了。
Replying to yours of 10th inst., we inform you that we have ho personal knowledge as to the standing of Messrs. Yada & Co., of our city.

該公司最近在付款方麪幾乎沒有準則, 我們曾一再催告, 然而毫無結果。
Of late, payments have been quite irregularly made, and more than one occasion we have had to press for them.

我們無法曏貴公司提供您所需要的確切情報, 對此, 我們深感遺憾。
We are sorry we are not able to give a precise information you ask.

對於上月30日貴函所要查詢的公司, 我們實在無法報告確切情況, 甚爲遺憾。
We regret our inability to tell you anything positive concerning the firm mentioned in your letter of the 30th ult.





