


1.Along with motivating the project team members toward the project goals, the project manager is expected to help team members fully understand that:
A.Conflicting orders may be given by different managers
B.Their future promotions depend solely on the project’s success
C.Technical knowledge is essential for project success
D.New projects do not come easily to project team members

2.The project manager’s success as a leader is dependent on their inter-personal skills and their:
A.Ability to lead, delegate and negotiate
B.Skill with which they can do the detailed technical tasks
C.Ability to conduct project team meetings
D.Hiring and firing skills

3.The right to command, issue order or act in the management of a project is called:
B.Legitimate Power

4.Dotted lines in organization charts mean:
A.The relationship may or may not exist depending on the nature of the organization
B.The relationship was not completely defined when the chart was finished
C.Informal authority and responsibility relationships
D.Unique and clearly defined relationships

5.As a project manager, you were able to convince the project team to follow certain courses of action based on your expertise on the subject.The team followed you because of your:
A.Referent power
D.Expert power

6.Authority structure ranges from pure functional (traditional management) to dual authority (matrix) where the project manager and the functional manager both are present in the management equation.Matrix management is itself presented across a range of variations, from weak to balanced to strong.In context of project management, the key difference between a weak and a strong matrix structure is:
A.The culture of the company
B.The project manager ’s relative influence over the assigned functional resources
C.The size of the project relative to the company
D.The information flow

7.Which of the following types of information is not considered in the Linear Responsibility Chart (LRC)?
A.Who is responsible for the general and operational management of the project
B.Who must and may be consulted on each activity
C.Where the specialized responsibilities are allocated
D.When each activity will be concluded

8.The primary processes of human resources management are:
A.Organizational design, team building, resource planning, merit review and rewards
B.Organizational planning, staff acquisition, team development
C.Sponsor management, team development, project planning, stakeholder management
D.Staff planning, resource acquisition, team development, sponsor management

9.Herb has successfully kicked-off his project.Many of his team members actually work in the same building as Herb.Although several members are in distant cities, As project manager, it would be prudent and raise project awareness if Herb were to create a:
A.Video-conference once a week
B.Process to update the sponsor when the team felt it necessary
C.War room where the collocated team members could congregate to post schedules and update status
D.Project database of all project documentation that was accessible by all stakeholders over the intranet

10.Sheila has been managing her project for five months.She has receive d feedback from her functional manager and her project sponsor that she is not being an effective leader
from an organizational perspective.Which of the following best describes the behavior that might have generated this appraisal?
A.She has included functional managers in her project communications
B.Communications have been held only with stakeholders inside her organization
C.She has some conflicts with functional managers over resources
D.Organizational strategies have been loosely factored into her communication plan
11.In the project management environment, project management leadership is shown by all but one of the following.
A.Employee contributions to the project
B.Organizational disorder
C.Decisions favoring NPV over technological advantage
D.The project manager ’s performance

12.Many employees do not accept promotions within the project management area because they fear they will lose the source of fulfillment of their needs.
D.Safety the process of progressively elaborating project work to produce a document or scope statement that includes project justification, project deliverables, and project objectives.:
A.Letting members know why they are not the project manager
B.Making employees feel that the team is more important than any individual
C.Assigning individuals to jobs that are very technically challenging
D.Letting people know how their efforts fit into the big picture

14.In a project context, which of the following is not seen as a disadvantage of the functional organization?
A.Conflicts between functional groups
B.Ideas remaining functionally oriented
C.The existence of a strong central authority responsible for the entire project
D.Difficulties in integrating cross-functional activities

15.When promoting a technical specialist to a project management position, the company is commonly taking which of the following risks?
A.Creating a solid project manager
B.Transforming a specialist into a generalist
C.Creating a technically unsound team
D.Providing for the needs of others

16.A newly formed project team typically exhibits which of the following characteristics?
A.Clear channels of authority
B.Struggles around role conflicts
D.Team understanding

17.In which of the following organizational structures is the project manager’s position recognized as a full-time job?
A.Functional organization
B.Weak matrix organization
C.Projectized organization
D.Expeditor organization

18.Which of the following characteristics best describe a matrix structure?
A.The project manager maintains maximum project control (through the line managers) over all resources, including cost and personnel
B.A strong technical base cannot be developed and knowledge is not available for all projects on an equal basis
C.Authority and responsibility are not shared between project managers and line managers
D.Functional managers serve little value to the well being of the project

19.One of the major disadvantages of the functional organization is:
A.The lack of career continuity and opportunities for project personnel
B.No one individual is directly responsible for the total project
C.That communication channels are not well established
D.Difficulty in budgeting and cost control

20.When a project is about to conclude, project functional employees tend to concentrate more on potential future assignments than on the current one.Which needs are the employees trying to fulfill?






