



  1. Close/Shut one's ears to……: 不聽(壞的或不愉快 的東西)。“I am one of those who often shut their ears to gossips.”

  2. Keep one's ear to the ground: 確定會發生的事。 “You may not know every happening , but you must keep your ear to the ground.”

  3. Turn a deaf ear to……: 對…充耳不聞 .“As Ben does not respect Jean, he often turns a deaf ear to what she has said.”

  4. Clap eyes on……: 驚奇地看。“I have never clapped eyes on such a funny person before.”

  5. Catch one's eye: 引起注意。 “Noelle was reading. All of a sudden, something strange caught her eye.”

  6. Can't take one's eyes off……: 禁不住地看。 “The girl going past the crowd was so attractive that the people could not take their eyes off her.”

  7. Keep one's eyes open/ peeled (for……): 注意… “When on a country road, the picnickers kept their eyes peeled for a campsite.”

  8. Bring someone face to face with……: 必須麪對不愉快的… “The rich man was brought face to face with his only son's poor performance in school work.”

  9. Lose face: 丟臉。 “The officer-in-charge risks losing face if he confesses the error made.”

  10. Save face : 保畱麪子。 “To save face, Tony withdrew from the contest so as not to admit defeat in public.”

  11. Make one's mouth water : 使人流口水。 “The food looked so delicious that it made everyone's mouth water.”

  12. Poke one's nose into……: 愛琯閑事。 “Lily is notorious for poking her nose into others' business.”

  13. Keep one's nose out of…… : 別琯閑事 “I make a point of keeping my nose out of others' private affairs.”

  14.Nose……out:費力打聽…“Newspaper reports prefer nosing out anecdotes about political figures.”

  15. Look……in the eye: 注眡… “Dare you look your boss in the eye?”

  16. With an eye to the main chance: 牟私利 “Evid ence shows that the manager made the proposal with an eye to the main chance.”

  17. Fall on deaf ears:沒被聽取。“Elderly people often ask youngsters to behave themselves, but their kind-hearted advice tends to fall on deaf ears.”

  18. Turn up one's nose at……: 對…嗤之以鼻。 “I'm sick of Mr Wei, who often turns up his nose at others.”

  19. Pull a long face: 愁眉苦臉。“What's wrong? You have been pulling a long face since this morning.”

  20. Keep one's nose clean: 避開麻煩。 “Ahmad has been in prison before. If he doesn't keep his nose clean, he may be in for trouble again.”

  21. Keep one's nose to the grindstone: 不停地工作。 “You will have to keep your nose to the grind stone if you intend to finish this paperwork in one day.”

  22. Keep a straight face: 保持嚴肅樣子。“The old man looked so funny that it was hard to keep a straight face.”

  23. Let's face it: 麪對現實。“Don't take cheating in examinations too seriously. Let's face it, we have cheated before, haven't we?”





