





  My Baby Cousin


  “Taotao will come tomorrow.” When my mother told me this news, I could hardly believe my ears. Taotao is my little cousin. I am more than 17 years older than he. I love him very dearly, and he loves me too.

  Last January, because of allergy①, Taotao got a bad cold. Wanting him to be taken good care of, my aunt brought him to my home. At that time Taotao was less than six months old. I tried my best to learn how to take care of him. After several days, I became familiar with him. Every day when I arrived home, he would let out a cry to show his welcome. As I was preparing for my term exams at that time, I had to read while I was carrying him in my arms. But on that occasion, Taotao seldom bothered me. He sat on my knees quietly and looked at the book as if he knew all the words in it. With Taotao's “cooperation”, I got good marks in the exams.

  In the winter vacation, I began teaching my cousin some words in English. First I read the name of something in English and pointed at the object from time to time. By and by Taotao knew what I meant and remembered the name of the object. When he heard me say “TV”, he would move his eye to the TV set, gazed at it with smiles in his face. In this way Taotao learned more than ten words. I also trained his sense of music by exposing②him to music. Then Taotao showed his interest in it. How excited I was when I got such an abundant harvest③!

  As time went by, Taotao's health recovered completely. With a round pink face and two big eyes, together with his cleverness, Taotao filled our family with laughter and happiness. My life became colourful. The feeling between Taotao and me became deeper and deeper.

  The departure④ was coming finally. Taotao would go back to Ma'anshan, where my aunt was working. On the day for us to say “good bye”, his small hand passed on my face softly. It showed that he was unwilling to leave me. I burst into tears. Hugging⑤him closely, I kissed him gently again and again. My dear Taotao, the sadness of parting⑥with you was unspeakable. I wept in my heart.

  Taotao's lovely face with his sweet smiles often appears in my dreams.

  How I wish it were tomorrow now, when I can hug my baby cousin and kiss him!



  ①allergy ['$l dNi] n.過敏症

  ②expose [ik'sp uz] v.使麪臨;使受……(響影等)

  ③abundant [ 'b)nd nt] harvest 豐收

  ④departure [di'pa:tM ] n.啓程;離開

  ⑤hug [h)g] v.緊緊擁抱

  ⑥part [pa:t] v.分;使分開;分別







