Childrens Schoolbags Are Getting Heavier

Childrens Schoolbags Are Getting Heavier,第1張

Childrens Schoolbags Are Getting Heavier,第2張

These days we often hear our children groaning(呻吟) under the pressure of an ever increasing burden of their studies. The schoolbags on their back are getting heavier and heavier, and the hours spent on their assignments(作業)a longer and longerg Why can't their burden be relieved in spite of social protest Ⅱ

  The reasons are relevant to the score centered education. Firstly, parents believe that high scores are the mark of success for the intellectual achievement of their children. Secondly, scores are a measurement of a teacher's teaching. Thirdly, failure to produce top students in regional or national academic examination is often seen as evidence of poor management of a school. Thus, it is natural for all sides involved to force children to read more reference books and finish more assignments.

  To lighten children's academic burden is not easy, but it is worth trying, for after all parents, teachers and schools don't want the heavy schoolbags to crush children. Children under constant pressure to score high and test well can hardly be educated intellectually and healthily.

  範文分析 本文在第一段段尾利用提問的方式承上啓下,過渡自然。第二段按照順序從主題句到展開句層層展開,逐一論述父母、老師、學校對學生負擔重的責任和影響,使用表示竝列關系的詞滙(Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly)及表示縂結的Thus令段落發展條理清晰。如同高明的裁縫用針線將各部分衣料按順序和對應關系巧妙地連接起來、制成一件得躰的衣服一樣,作者用多種連接手段將段落中的各部分巧妙地連接在一起,寫出了清晰流暢的段落。


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