


Love is the noblest of all the emotions of mankind. It is like a lamp that shines in darkness and gives people courage,hope and life.

  The picture reminds me of O. Henry's famous short story The Last Leaf, which described a young art girl with serious pneumonia, who, while watching the ivy vine was stripped of its leaves by the cold autumn wind, felt so pessimistic and distressed that she thought with the fall of the last leaf her life would come to an end. Surprisingly enough, the next morning, she found the last ivy leaf was still there,Which again lit her hope of life. The story went on that the last leaf Was, in fact, ph ntedby an old artist who died of an acute attack of pneumonia the moment he finished his masterpiece, This story reveals that love can illuminate a person's lifelong journey.

  Countless daily happenings around us may serve as good examples to further expound the topic of the picture.

  Overseas Chinese contribute large sums of money to"Project Hope" to help children in rural areas go back to school.

  Middle school students regularly help grandparents and disabledpeople with their h0usework.

  College students donate blood Periodically to hospitals.

  SomebOdy with a fatal head injury and with nO hope of recovery donated his kidney to a little girl.

  Warriors in white have saved thoUSands of SARs victims by sacrificing themselves.

  The structure of. the Chinese character ren"人" represents people's mutual love and mutual support.So, people should love and be loved, and I think If everyone gives out a little love, our world will become a beautifiul earthly paradise.





