Friendship for Ever,第1張

Friendship for Ever,第2張

Years ago I entered my name for IPF (International Penfriend) Club and got a couple of pen pals (筆友)。 Time going by, I have not only improved my written English but also got a better knowledge of other countries. And what's more, I slowly came [have come] (1) to realize what it meant [means] (2) to love my own motherland.

  Beautiful stamps

  Corresponding (與……通信) with others is fun. Maybe a most exciting thing is to get beautiful foreign stamps. Though I'm not a stamp fan and don't know much about stamp collection, I still recognize (認出) some historical figures and famous structures from the pictures of the stamps: For example, a Spanish castle built centuries ago, a symbol for “GRANDE LOGE DE FRANCE”, and a certain Prime Minister of Germany.

  Part-time jobs

  As [Like] ( 3 ) most Chinese children, I have no experience of part-time jobs at all. But what about foreigners of my age?

  Well, Suhui, a Malaysian girl tried her first luck three years ago, and is now much experienced in working as a baby-sitter. She spent most of her long holidays working, especially, when parents were busy during traditional holidays. And of course, in those days the reward per hour would be risen [larger] (4), she wrote to me. Then, with the money she saved [earned] ( 5 ) , she could buy herself favourite tapes and take sight-seeing trips.

  A Malaysian boy good at Chinese

  During the Spring Festival of 1997 I happily wrote to a Malaysian friend telling him how I spent the traditional holiday. Unexpectedly, he wrote back in Chinese. Wohh, I only know his grandpa's grandpa was a Chinese and I had never expected he could write Chinese characters so well. The handwriting was not smart, but he must have been very careful when writing. And he used the original complex forms of simplified Chinese characters (繁躰字)!

  OK, now we can call him a Chinese Malaysian.

  Spring Festival

  The Spring Festival is still an important holiday for ChineseMalaysians. At [On] ( 6 ) the New Year's Eve, they get together and have a big dinner. They even won't forget to set off fireworks (爆竹), in spite of the government's ban. They also watch CCTV that night. The next day when we have dumplings (湯團) for breakfast they have New Year's cake. Then my friend and his parents usually visit his grandma. Last year they were delayed by the bad weather, but it didn't delay the grandma's gift for him——New Year's Money (壓嵗錢)。 Ha! He accepts New Year's Money as we do, although he is over 20 now. And his relatives also send him presents as ours do [to us] ( 7 ) .

  Best wishes for my hot July

  Time goes by so quickly that there are only few days left before the NMET. I have to pause [stop] (8) corresponding for a while to get prepared for the NMET. So I have asked my pen friends to write back in a few days to wish me good luck for July. A German girl sent me one of the smallest coins, which is considered to be a talisman (護符,法寶) in Germany. I really appreciate that'cos [because]( 9 ) it means more than mere wishes.

  I'd like to thank IPF Club to lead me into an international world, from which I've learnt a lot. I feel it a great joy to know other countries, other peoples and to let others know us, Chinese.

  浙江省桐鄕市高級中學306班 徐慧芬

  評 語


  (1)、(2)slowly一詞用得不妥,其實作者的意思應該是gradually,不過 come to do sth.已有這樣的含義。另外,時態用現在完成時爲好,表示與現在的關聯,因此meant也相應該爲means.

  (3)most Chinese children爲名詞性結搆,用介詞 like (像)。as固然也能作介詞,但這時它竝不表示“像”,而是“以某種身份”,請比較:

  Let me speak to you as a father.(我就是你的父親)

  Let me speak to you like a father.(我不是你的父親,但像一個父親一樣。)




  (7)原文含義可能産生歧義:as ours do 中缺少賓語,也可理解爲 our relatives也給他送禮物,故改之。

  (8)pause是不及物動詞,不能後接 doing,故改之。



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