A Lesson I Learnt,第1張

A Lesson I Learnt,第2張

Once in the primary school there was a broken chair in our classroom. The board(木板)on it had been lost, and therefore, nobody was able to sit on it.

  One day, I said to a friend of mine,“You see, the chair is broken, and it must be great fun if you turn it over and put it on the shoulder, [and] (1) then walk in the classroom by shouting [shouting for attention]”(2)。

  “Oh, that's a good idea!”He was excited, and immediately did what I told him to do.

  “Look at me. It's so interesting!”He shouted with the chair on his shoulder and walked up and down the classroom.

  To our surprise, the teacher came in and saw him.“What are you doing, silly boy?”The teacher shouted at him angrily. “Just stand here with your chair!”

  “But it was…”he wanted to say that it was I who told [had told] (3) him to do so, but the teacher interrupted him. “Don't say anything else. Stand here quietly until I tell you to put it down!”

  He wasn't allowed to say anything with the chair on his shoulder. For a long time, he looked sad, tearful and even angry.

  I felt sorry for him, but it was too late. The punishment made him so sad that he wouldn't talk to me any more. I lost his friendship.

  This experience has told me that nobody should take advantage of others' innocence(天真,單純,無知)。 You will lose many friends if you do so.

  上海市大同中學高三(5)班 王煒

  評 語



  (2)介詞by用得令人費解。不如去掉,現在分詞shouting表示伴隨情況,根據下文,加上for attention.



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