


  材料: )
  * 2 pcs/750g Pork trotter (get the butcher to cut into the small chunks)
  * 10 - 12 Dried black mushrooms
  * 10-12粒香菇
  * 1 stalk Spring onion
  * 1支青蔥段
  * 4-6 pcs Ginger slices
  * 1 pc Star anise
  * 1個八角茴香
  * 1 tbsp Dark soya sauce
  * 1大勺老抽http://ks.examda.com
  * 1 tbsp Light soya sauce
  * 1大勺生抽
  * 25g Jiafan rice wine
  * 25尅加飯酒
  * 5-8 pcs Szechuan pepper corns
  * 1 tbsp Salad oil
  * 1大勺沙拉油
  * 1 tsp Salt
  * 1小勺鹽
  * 15g Sugar
  * 15尅白糖(用冰糖)
  * 4-5 pcs Dried chili
  * 4-5個乾辣椒
  * Some water
  * 適量清水
  1. Wash trotters and clean well. Bring half a pot of water to a boil. Put in trotter and parboiled for 3-4 minutes.
  1. 將豬蹄洗淨,飛水3-4分鍾撈出備用。
  2. Remove and place the trotter in a pressure cooker together with the dried mushrooms, ginger slices, spring onion, rice wine, soya sauces and star anise. Add in enough water to cover the trotter and cook for about 15 minutes.
  2. 豬蹄放入高壓鍋裡,入水沒過蹄子,加入香菇,薑片,蔥段,料酒,2種醬油和八角。煮上大約15分鍾。
  3. Heat up a wok with salad oil. Add in sugar and salt until fragrant and sugar has melted. Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chili and flavoured with salt. Reduce the heat and continue to simmer until the sauce turns thick and the trotter is cooked through. Dish out and sprinkle with some chopped spring onions. Serve the dish immediately.
  3. 油燒熱,放入砂糖炒出香味至冰糖融化。將湯水與豬蹄一起從高壓鍋轉至鍋裡,燒開後,加入乾辣椒,用鹽調味。小火燒至豬蹄軟爛,大火收至湯汁濃稠即可出鍋,灑上一些蔥花裝飾。趁熱食用。





