範文:The 21st Century,第1張

範文:The 21st Century,第2張


  世紀的鍾聲即將敲起。對於一個世紀,人類充滿了新奇的憧憬和展望。在你心目中21世紀將會是什麽樣?請以“The21st Century”爲題目,寫一篇100個單詞左右的英語短文,談談21世紀裡學校或者家庭的具躰變化。文章的第一句已經寫好如下:“Life in the 21st century must be very interesting”。


  The 21st Century

  Life in the 21st century must be very interesting. Perhaps we will be able to go on holiday to the moon, and some scientists will live under the sea. Perhaps we will have video telephones in every house. When we talk on the phone, we'll be able to see the person on the other end of the line.

  Perhaps we will have computers in every classroom, and they will help us to do lots of things such as solving difficult mathematical problems, reviewing our lessons and doing our homework. Perhaps some children won't need to go to school every day. They might be able to study at home because there will be more educational programs on radio and television.

  Maybe at that time every family will have a robot to do all kinds of housework for them. Then what shall we do at that time? I think we may have more time to study and learn how to use and control these machines. Well, let's wait till the 21st century.


  這篇文章是根據題目對於21世紀的一種趣想。開篇既談了一種對於未來發達的科技和服務措施的憧憬。然後具躰到作爲一名學生,最關心的是教學條件的改善和發展,如何的方便。最後一段是關於家庭的改變,“well, let's wait till the 21st century.”結尾充滿希望。


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