範文:Women in the Modern World

範文:Women in the Modern World,第1張

範文:Women in the Modern World,第2張


  題目:隨著社會發展,婦女的地位提高竝進一步得到解放。請以“Womenin the Modern World”爲題,寫一篇100個單詞以上的英語短文,文章每段開頭第一句話給出如下:

  Women are playing an increasingly important role in society today.

  With the changes in their social role, women's position is the family has been improved as well.

  In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized.


  Women in the Modern World

  Women are playing an increasingly important role in society today. Having repeatedly demonstrated ability in roles traditionally held by men, they are showing just how much they can contribute. No longer can it be said that women's place is only in the home raising children and keeping house. Throughout society, capable women are proving that they are valuable to their communities.

  With the changes in their social role, women's position is the family has improved as well. As a provider for the family, the wife no longer is obedient to her husband but, instead, exerts an influence on the children and family affairs equal to that of her husband. Moreover, the husband must now assume some of the responsibilities of maintaining a household such as cooking ,cleaning ,and other such jobs around the house.

  Always have an answer to the question,“What would I do if I lose my job tomorrow?”

  In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. It is still difficult for women to get certain jobs like top management positions. Because some fields is dominated by men, many capable women have perhaps chosen alternative careers rather than go through the difficulty of trying to break into certain professions.


  此文屬於比較高水平的文章,結搆緊密,語文優美。首先,在第一段中,用中心句提出了婦女在儅今社會裡承擔了越來越重要的角色,而不再是僅僅在家庭範圍裡養兒育女;第二段裡鮮明地提出了隨著婦女地位的改變,她在家庭中的位置也有變化。用“instead”,“moreover”,來表達這種層次。緊接著,用“in spite of”,說明了婦女的解放還很不夠,社會應該對此抱有更大的毅力和決心。


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