

Some people believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers, offers more advantages than disadvantages. Other people think that being an only child is more advantageous. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you support.


  一:條件 孩子的成長/有人認爲在兄弟姐妹較多的家庭中成長利多於弊/有人認爲獨生子女更有利.

  二:要求 討論兩種情況的利弊,說明你支持何種觀點


  Many people who are concerned with the number of children a family should have are discussing the advantages and disadvantages from the point of view of children. Some believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers offers more advantages than disadvantages while others think that being an only child is more advantageous.This is an interesting topic worth discussing.

  In a big family, children live, play,and study together. Consequently, they never feel lonely and their life is usually full of joy, which helps to develop a normal personality. Children in a big family can also help each other and thus reduce burdens on the parents and develop a sense of fraternity. Besides, the life in a family with parents and several children resembles the life in society. The leadership, the share and give, and the mutual help and understanding existing in a big family can better prepare the children for their future life when they are members of society. One disadvantage of growing up in a big family is that no child can get all the love and carre of the parents. Another disadvantage is that disagreements and conflicts may result from different characters, likes and dislikes, and uneven distribution of love and care. The third is that children in a big family may live a poorer life if the parents are not so well-off. Lastly, it is possible for the eldest child to develop a domineering personality and for the youngest to be overindulged.

  In comparison with the life in a big family, the life of being an only child has four obvious advantages. Firstly, the child enjoys the priviledge of being the center of attention and can get all the love and care of the parents. Secondly, the parents are usually able to satisfy all the material needs of the child. Thirdly, the child is completely free from the possible conflicts often found in a big family. Lastly,because of lack of mutual help and because the parents can not be with the child all the time, the child is likely to develop an independent character that will enable him or her to succeed more easily in society. However, the disadvantages of being an only child are also obvious. The lack of playamtes at home and the possible overindulgence because of being the only child may lead to an eccentric character that will make it difficult for him or her to get along with others when he or she grows up.

  Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the two situations, I find it difficult to support either of the positions. It seems to me that it is better for a couple to have two children because this solution can presever most of the advantages and avoid most of the disadvantages found in the two situations discussed above.



  第一段: 敘述條件,引出話題

  第二段: 大家庭的利弊

  第三段: 獨生子女成長的利弊

  第四段: 自己的觀點(折衷態度)





