

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil.

  Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen.

  Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won't find in your dictionary.

  Helen: 希望您在今天的《地道英語》節目中能學到在詞典裡可能找不到的常用英語表達。 So Neil, have you started writing your novel yet?

  Neil: No, not yet, but I'm definitely going to start next month, when I have, you know, a bit more free time.

  Helen: Oh, Neil you're always making excuses! Neil 好久以前就說他要寫書了,結果磨了這麽久,我什麽都沒看見,他肯定一個字都沒寫。

  Neil: What are you saying, Helen?

  Helen: You're all mouth and no trousers!

  Neil: Why, thanks a lot! Helen thinks I'm all mouth and no trousers. Can you explain what that means?

  Helen: 這個意思就是說,如果有人衹說不做,那我們就可以說他是 all mouth and no trousers. 字麪上的繙譯是 '都是嘴而沒有褲子'.聽起來很奇怪,但是一個很通俗的表達。


  A: Dave's going on about climbing Mount Everest again. He reckons he can do it with just two months' training, but he hasn't even been for a hike yet.
  B: Yeah, the problem is he's all mouth and no trousers.

  Neil: So it means he's been talking a lot about climbing Mount Everest but actually we know he's not really going to do it.

  Helen: Yep. He's all mouth and no trousers. Just like you, Neil.

  Neil: Hmm.

  Helen: It's a very long expression, isn't it?

  Neil: Yes, but you can shorten it.

  Helen: Oh, I see. 我們可以把這個表達說得更簡單一些。

  Neil: You can just say 'you're all mouth'.

  Helen: 可以說 '你都是嘴', 'you're all mouth'. Is it rude?

  Neil: Well, it depends who you say it to. It's best to keep it to friends.

  Helen: 這個表達是在朋友之間用用,不然陌生人會覺得你沒禮貌。

  Neil: Well, that's all we have time for today on Real English. If you want more help with your English, go to our website www.bbcchina.com.cn.

  Helen: 我們的網址是 www.bbcchina.com.cn. 今天就到這兒,我們下次節目再見。

  Neil: Bye.





