Real English:Pig Out,第1張

Real English:Pig Out,第2張

The script of this programme 本節目台詞

  Food you can really pig out on! Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Jo. Jean: And I'm Jean. Hello!

  Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

  Jean: 和漢語一樣,英語語言裡是充滿了成語和口語詞的,所以學習和了解這些短語和口語詞是非常有用的.尤其這些說法和語言都是英國人日常說到用到的.那Jo,我們今天要來學習的新詞是什麽呢?

  Jo: Today's expression is pig P.I.G. out O.U.T. pig out.

  Jean: Pig out? 說得是豬的什麽事兒嗎?

  Jo: Well, to pig out means to eat too much food.

  Jean: OK, so pig out 就是大喫特喫的意思.

  Jo: Let's listen to some examples.


  A: So what do you usually do on Christmas Day?

  B: Oh you know, the usual – I sit and watch TV and pig out on turkey and chocolate!

  A: Did you enjoy the meal last night?

  B: I did – but I pigged out a bit. That pasta was so nice I just couldn't stop eating it!

  Jo: I really like eating, Jean – I'm always pigging out.

  Jean: And what's your favourite food?

  Jo: I love pizza – and it's so easy to pig out on pizza because they are so big! When was the last time you pigged out Jean?

  Jean: Well just last night I went to the cinema and I ate lots of popcorn. 電*的玉米花已給就是一大包,所以 I really pigged out.

  Jo: So, that's today's expression – pig out.

  Jean: Pig out. 大喫特喫. And that's all for today.

  Jo: Yes, you've been listening to BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more Real English. Bye.

 The script of this programme 本節目台詞

  Food you can really pig out on! Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Jo. Jean: And I'm Jean. Hello!

  Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

  Jean: 和漢語一樣,英語語言裡是充滿了成語和口語詞的,所以學習和了解這些短語和口語詞是非常有用的.尤其這些說法和語言都是英國人日常說到用到的.那Jo,我們今天要來學習的新詞是什麽呢?

  Jo: Today's expression is pig P.I.G. out O.U.T. pig out.

  Jean: Pig out? 說得是豬的什麽事兒嗎?

  Jo: Well, to pig out means to eat too much food.

  Jean: OK, so pig out 就是大喫特喫的意思.

  Jo: Let's listen to some examples.


  A: So what do you usually do on Christmas Day?

  B: Oh you know, the usual – I sit and watch TV and pig out on turkey and chocolate!

  A: Did you enjoy the meal last night?

  B: I did – but I pigged out a bit. That pasta was so nice I just couldn't stop eating it!

  Jo: I really like eating, Jean – I'm always pigging out.

  Jean: And what's your favourite food?

  Jo: I love pizza – and it's so easy to pig out on pizza because they are so big! When was the last time you pigged out Jean?

  Jean: Well just last night I went to the cinema and I ate lots of popcorn. 電*的玉米花已給就是一大包,所以 I really pigged out.

  Jo: So, that's today's expression – pig out.

  Jean: Pig out. 大喫特喫. And that's all for today.

  Jo: Yes, you've been listening to BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more Real English. Bye.

  Jean: See you next time!

  Jean: See you next time!


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