


  在這一課裡, 我們要學習助動詞 could, c-o-u-l-d, could 和兩個助動詞短語would like to, w-o-u-l-d l-i-k-e t-o, would like to 跟 ought to, o-u-g-h-t t-o, ought to. 我們也要學習用連接詞 because, b-e-c-a-u-s-e, because 作句子.

  首先我還是請兩位英文老師給你唸一段對話,內容是說亨利跟他的同事南希聊天的情況. 我請英文老師先用自然速度唸一遍, 請你注意聽英文老師的發音和聲調.

  M: Hello, Nancy! Where were you yesterday? F: I didn't come in because I was sick. M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed. F: I'm going home now. M: Did you drive today? F: No, I don't have a car. M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride? F: Yes, I'll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.

  好, 現在我請英文老師再把剛才那段對話用慢速度唸一遍, 請你注意聽:

  M: Hello, Nancy! Where were you yesterday? F: I didn't come in because I was sick. M: You still look a little sick. You ought to go back to bed. F: I'm going home now. M: Did you drive today? F: No, I don't have a car. M: I can take you home. Would you like a ride? F: Yes, I'll appreciate it very much. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? I need to buy some aspirin.

  在剛才那段對話裡, 有幾個句子用了我們今天要學的語法, 也就是 could, would like to, ought to 跟 because 的用法, 現在我請英文老師把這幾個句子唸出來給你聽.

  F: I didn't come in because I was sick. M: You ought to go back to bed. M: Would you like a ride? F: Could you stop at the drugstore on the way?


  好了, 現在我們來作練習. 首先我們學習助動詞 could 的用法. 這個字是 can, c-a-n, can 的過去式, 是用來表示過去有能力作一件事. 不過這個字還有另外一個用法, 就是可以用在問句裡表示客氣地提出請求. 比方有一句話:"我沒有車, 你能開車送我嗎?" 用英文可以這樣說: I don't have a car. Could you give me a ride?

  好, 現在我們來練習這種用法. 由老師唸一些句子, 內容都是說南希病了, 她客 氣地請人幫忙. 每個句子我們唸兩遍, 請你聽一遍, 跟著重複一遍.

  M: I don't feel well. Could you help me? F: I don't feel well. Could you help me? M: I am sick. Could you take me to a doctor? F: I am sick. Could you take me to a doctor? M: I don't have a car. Could you give me a ride? F: I don't have a car. Could you give me a ride? M: I need to buy some medicine. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? F: I need to buy some medicine. Could you stop at the drugstore on the way? M: I need to take the medicine. Could you give me a glass of water? F: I need to take the medicine. Could you give me a glass of water?

  下麪我們來作換字練習.由老師唸一個句子,比方:"我能借你的字典嗎?" Could I borrow your dictionary? 然後老師給你一個新詞組, 比方: 用你的電話 use your telephone, 請你把新詞組代換到原來的句子裡. 每作完一句就請你聽正確答案.

  好, 現在我們開始.

  M: Could I borrow your dictionary? M: use your telephone F: Could I use your telephone? M: read your newspaper F: Could I read your newspaper? M: take you home F: Could I take you home? M: see you tomorrow F: Could I see you tomorrow? M: talk to you later F: Could I talk to you later?

  三.詞組Would like to

  現在我們來學另外一種客氣話, 也就是 would like to. 這個詞組就是"要" want to, w-a-n-t t-o, want to 的意思, 不過比較客氣.

  下麪我們要作一組練習. 由老師唸兩個句子, 第一個句子用 want to, 第二個句子用的是 would like to. 這兩句話意思一樣.

  M: Nancy wants to see a doctor. F: Nancy would like to see a doctor. M: Henry wants to watch television. F: Henry would like to watch television. M: Kate wants to buy a sweater. F: Kate would like to buy a sweater. M: Susan wants to visit her cousins. F: Susan would like to visit her cousins. M: Peter wants to become a sport star. F: Peter would like to become a sport star. M: Mary wants to have a weekly allowance. F: Mary would like to have a weekly allowance.

  剛才我們學習了怎麽用客氣話 would like' to 作陳述句, 下麪我們看一看怎麽用這個詞組作問句. 比方有一句話: "你要做一個打字員嗎?" 英文可以這麽說: Would you like to be a typist? 另外一句話:"你要做市政府工作人員嗎?" 英文可以這麽說: Would you like to be a city worker? 好, 現在我們來作換字練習. 老師先唸一個句子, 接著老師唸一個新詞組, 請你把新詞組代換進去. 作完之後, 請你注意聽正確答案.

  M: Would you like to be a typist? M: be a city worker F: Would you like to be a city worker? M: sing in a concert F: Would you like to sing in a concert? M: live near the university F: Would you like to live near the university? M: sit next to the window F: Would you like to sit next to the window? M: take two suitcases to New York F: Would you like to take two suitcases to New York?

  下麪我們換一個方式作練習. 老師用 would you like to 作一個問句, 比方:"你要作一個救火員嗎?" Would you like to be a fire fighter? 然後你會聽到老師說 Yes或是 No, 請你根據你所聽到的廻答問題. 如果是肯定的, 就用 would 廻答, 是否定的就用would not, 也就是wouldn't 廻答. 作了答案之後, 請你聽正確答案.

  M: Would you like to be a fire fighter? M: Yes F: Yes, I would like to be a fire fighter. M: Would you like to buy this record? M: No F: No, I wouldn't like to buy this record. M: Would you like to have a glass of milk? M: No F: No, I wouldn't like to have a glass of milk. M: Would you like to live near the factory? M: No F: No, I wouldn't like to live near the factory. M: Would you like to play football this Friday? M: Yes F: Yes, I would like to play football this Friday.

  四.詞組Ought to

  下麪我們來學一個新詞組 ought to. 這個詞組的意思等於我們以前學過的助動詞 should, s-h-o-u-l-d, should, 意思就是勸人應該作某一件事.比方有一句話:"你應該在銀行停一下", 英文可以這樣說: You should stop at the bank. 也可以這樣說: You ought to stop at the bank.

  現在我們來作練習. 由老師先用 should 作一個句子,請學生用 ought to 代替. 請你在學生唸句子的時候跟著重複. 現在我們開始:

  M: Nancy should see a doctor. F: Nancy ought to see a doctor. M: Kate should stop at the bank. F: Kate ought to stop at the bank. M: Henry should get in shape again. F: Henry ought to get in shape again. M: Peter should take out the garbage. F: Peter ought to take out the garbage. M: Linda should save some of her weekly allowance. F: Linda ought to save some of her weekly allowance. M: Mary should clean up her room. F: Mary ought to clean up her room.

  五.連接詞 Because

  好了, 現在我們來學這一課要教的最後一個語法, 也就是連接詞because"因爲"的用法. 要是有人問你: "爲什麽人們給市政府工作呢?" Why do people work for city governments? 你可以這樣廻答: 因爲市政府工作人員退休時候有不少退休金. Because city workers get a good pension when they retire.

  下麪這組練習, 是由老師根據這一課開頭那段說到南希生病的對話提出幾個問題, 請學生用 because 來廻答問題. 請你注意聽.

  M: Why does Nancy have to go home? F: She has to go home because she needs to rest. M: Why should Nancy go back to bed? F: She should go back to bed because she is sick. M: Why does Nancy have to stop at the drugstore? F: She has to stop because she wants to buy some aspirin. M: Why doesn't Nancy drive to work? F: She doesn't drive to work because she doesn't have a car.

  下麪這組練習是由老師提出一個問題. 接著他再唸一個短句, 請你用 because跟這個短句來廻答問題. 在你廻答之後請你注意聽正確答案. 好, 現在我們就開始:

  M: Why do you study English? M: It's useful. F: I study English because it's useful. M: Why is he listening to radio? M: There is a good program. F: He is listening to radio because there is a good program. M: Why can't we play tennis now? M: It's raining. F: We can't because it's raining. M: Why didn't she go to the party with us? M: She had to work. F: She didn't because she had to work.


  今天要聽的文章是說到亨利和南希都是市政府工作人員, 談到了他們兩個人工作的性質.


  Many Americans work for city governments. There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers. Most city workers might not earn a lot of money but when they retire they get a good pension. Henry and Nancy are employees of the city of Seattle. He is a fire fighter. He is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm. Nancy is a typist in Henry's office. She works from 9 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. She works five days a week, Monday through Friday. Her job is to type reports of fire.

  等一下我們還會把剛才那段文章用慢速度再唸一遍. 現在我們先把今天要測騐的三個問題用慢速度唸一遍給你聽.

  第一個問題是: M: What are some of the city government jobs?第二個問題是: M: Why do people work for city governments?最後一個問題是: M: When does Nancy work?

  剛才那三個問題你都聽懂了嗎? 等一會兒我們還會再唸一遍給你聽. 現在請你先聽老師用慢速度再把剛才那段文章唸一次.

  Many Americans work for city governments. There are office workers, fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers. Most city workers might not earn a lot of money but when they retire they get a good pension. Henry and Nancy are employees of the city of Seattle. He is a fire fighter. He is on duty eight hours a day. During his shift he eats and sleeps at the firehouse because the fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm. Nancy is a typist in Henry's office. She works from 9 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. She works five days a week, Monday through Friday. Her job is to type reports of fire.

  好, 現在請你廻答今天測騐的三個問題. 在你廻答問題之後, 請聽老師給你唸正確的答案.

  第一個問題是: M: What are some of the city government jobs? F: Fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers are some of the city government jobs.第二個問題是: M: Why do people work for city governments? F: People work for city governments because they get a good pension when they retire.最後一個問題是: M: When does Nancy work? F: Nancy works from 9 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, five days a week, Monday through Friday.





