


  今天我們要練習兩個詞組, 一個是 used to, u-s-e-d t-o, used to, 另外一個是動加上to, t-o, to 再加上動詞, 也就是 like to do 和 want to go 等等的動詞短語.首先請你聽一段對話, 內容是說 Henry 跟他表妹 Susan 在談做運動. 我們先把 這段對話用正常速度唸一遍, 請你注意正確的發音跟語調的抑敭頓挫.

  M: Susan, what do you do for exercise? F: I go swimming once a week. M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore. F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important. M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy. F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me? M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.

  現在我們把這段對話用慢速度再唸一遍, 請注意聽.

  M: Susan, what do you do for exercise? F: I go swimming once a week. M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore. F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important. M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy. F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me? M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.

  現在我們把剛才那段會話裡包含了今天要學的語法, 也就是有 used to 跟有動詞加上 to 再加上動詞的句子挑出來用慢速度再唸一遍給你聽.

  M: I used to swim in high school. M: I didn't use to be this heavy. F: Do you want to go with me? M: I really need to get in shape again.

  二. USED TO

  首先我們練習 used to 的用法. 這個詞組是表示過去常常做一件事而現在不再做了.

  下麪我們用 used to 跟在上一課裡學過的字作句子; 每個句子唸兩遍, 請你注意聽, 同時, 在唸第二遍的時候也請你跟著說.

  M: Henry used to wear old gloves. F: Henry used to wear old gloves. M: He used to sit next to me in school. F: He used to sit next to me in school. M: Susan used to drink a lot of milk. F: Susan used to drink a lot of milk. M: She used to live far from the store. F: She used to live far from the store. M: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties. F: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties. M: They used to go out to eat. F: They used to go out to eat.

  下麪我們來作換字練習. 先由老師唸一個有 used to 這個詞組的句子, 接著老師唸一個短語, 學生就把這個短語換進句子裡. 現在先擧個例子:

  M: I used to swim in high school. M: to play basketball F: I used to play basketball in high school.

  好, 現在我們開始. 在學生做練習的時候, 請你也一起做.

  M: I used to swim in high school. M: to play basketball F: I used to play basketball in high school. M: to play volleyball F: I used to play volleyball in high school. M: to exercise F: I used to exercise in high school. M: to run F: I used to run in high school.

  好了, 現在我們看一看怎麽樣把 He used to swim in high school. 變成問句. 在這個句子變成問句的時候必須用did, d-i-d, did 開頭,於是這句話就變成了Did he use to swim in high school? 再擧一個例子: 把 She used to exercise in high school. 這句話變成問句, 就要這樣說: Did she use to exercise in high school?

  現在我們來做練習. 由老師唸一個有 used to 這個詞組的句子,叫學生把這些句子改爲問句. 現在請你注意聽.

  M: He used to swim in high school. F: Did he use to swim in high school? M: She used to play basketball in high school. F: Did she use to play basketball in high school? M: You used to play volleyball in high school. F: Did you use to play volleyball in high school? M: They used to exercise in high school. F: Did they use to exercise in high school? M: Henry used to run in high school. F: Did Henry use to run in high school?

  現在我們換一個方法作練習.由老師唸一個句子,請你用where, w-h-e-r-e, where這個字, 把句子改成問句. 首先還是擧個例子:

  M: He used to swim in a river. F: Where did he use to swim?

  好, 現在我們正式開始. 在你把句子改爲問句之後, 請聽正確答案.

  M: He used to swim in a river. F: Where did he use to swim? M: She used to work in the factory. F: Where did she use to work? M: They used to play volleyball in their backyard. F: Where did they use to play volleyball? M: Susan used to run in the park. F: Where did Susan use to run?

  現在我們再換一個方式來做練習. 先由老師用 when, w-h-e-n, when這個字, 問一個有 used to 這個詞組的問句, 接著老師提出一個說明時間的詞組, 請你用時間詞組來廻答問題. 首先擧個例子:

  M: When did he use to get up? M: at seven o'clock F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.

  現在我們正式開始. 在你廻答之後, 還是請你聽我們的正確答案.

  M: When did he use to get up? M: at seven o'clock F: He used to get up at seven o'clock. M: When did she use to have a lot of time? M: after school F: She used to have a lot of time after school. M: When did they use to go to soccer games? M: on Sundays F: They used to go to soccer games on Sundays. M: When did Kate use to have a vacation? M: in the summer F: Kate used to have a vacation in the summer.

  三.動詞 TO 動詞

  剛才我們練習了怎麽用 used to 這個詞組, 現在我們來學習動詞加上 to, t-o, to再加上動詞的用法. 首先請你聽一個句子: I like to play volleyball. 這個句子有兩個動詞like 和play. 這兩個動詞是由 to, 這個字聯在一起的, to play volleyball 就是 like 這個動詞的賓語. 再擧一個例子: She likes to listen to music. 這個句子的賓語就是 to listen to music.

  現在我們來練習這類句子. 練習的內容都是說亨利到了周未喜歡在家做些什麽.

  每個句子我們唸兩遍, 在唸第二遍的時候請你跟著唸.

  M: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends. F: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends. M: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends. F: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends. M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends. F: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends. M: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends. F: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends.

  除了 like 這個動詞, 其他動詞, 比方: love, l-o-v-e, love, want, w-a-n-t, want, plan, p-l-a-n, plan, try, t-r-y, try, need, n-e-e-d, need, prefer, p-r-e-f-e-r, prefer, 都可以這樣用. 現在我們用這些動詞來作換字練習. 首先擧個例子:

  M: Susan loves to exercise. M: wants to play tennis F: Susan wants to play tennis.

  好, 現在我們開始. 在你廻答之後, 請注意聽正確答案.

  M: Susan loves to exercise. M: wants to play tennis F: Susan wants to play tennis. M: plans to go swimming F: Susan plans to go swimming. M: tries to run very fast F: Susan tries to run very fast. M: needs to study hard F: Susan needs to study hard. M: prefers to travel by train. F: Susan prefers to travel by train.

  下麪我們換一個方式作練習. 先由老師唸一個陳述句, 叫學生改爲問句. 請你注意, 改爲問句的時候必須要用 does, d-o-e-s, does. 現在請你注意聽.

  M: Susan loves to exercise. F: Does Susan love to exercise? M: Susan wants to play tennis. F: Does Susan want to play tennis? M: Susan plans to go swimming. F: Does Susan plan to go swimming? M: Susan tries to run very fast. F: Does Susan try to run very fast? M: Susan needs to study hard. F: Does Susan need to study hard? M: Susan prefers to travel by train. F: Does Susan prefer to travel by train?

  在下麪一組練習裡, 由老師唸一些句子, 請你用what, w-h-a-t, what 這個字把原來的句子改爲問句, 然後請你聽正確答案.

  M: Henry loves to cook his own dinner. F: What does Henry love to cook? M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes. F: What does Henry like to make? M: Susan wants to play tennis. F: What does Susan want to play? M: Susan needs to study for test. F: What does Susan need to study for? M: Kate plans to buy a dress. F: What does Kate plan to buy? M: Kate prefers to have a small party. F: What does Kate prefer to have?

  四. 聽短文廻答問題

  現在我們來測騐一下你的聽力.首先請你聽一段文章,內容是說亨利一家人怎麽旅行,談到了坐火車有什麽好処.好, 現在請你注意聽.

  Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.

  剛才那段文章不知道你聽懂了多少? 等一會兒, 我們再用慢速度給你唸一遍. 現在請你注意聽我們要測騐的三個問題.

  第一個問題是: M: How did Henry use to travel?第二個問題是: M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?第三個問題是: M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?


  Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.

  好了, 現在請你廻答今天測騐的三個問題. 在廻答之後, 請你注意聽正確答案.

  下麪是第一個問題. M: How did Henry use to travel? F: He used to travel by train.

  現在請廻答第二個問題: M: Does Kate still like to travel by train? F: Yes,she still likes to travel by train.

  第三個問題比較長, 請你注意聽: M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs? F: They take the train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.





