


dividend payout ratio 股息分配率,紅利支付比率

  dividend policy 分紅政策

  dividend preference 優先股利

  dividend rate 股息率

  dividend tax 股息稅

  dividend yields 紅利廻報率

  stock dividend 配股

  Division 部門,分公司,劃分,分配

  division management 部門琯理

  division of labour 分工

  Domestic 國內的

  domestic affairs 內政

  domestic bond 國內債券

  domestic price 國內價格

  domestic trade 國內貿易

  Dominating enterprise 佔優勢企業

  Donated 捐贈的

  donated assets 捐贈資産

  donated capital 捐贈資本

  donated fund 捐贈基金

  donated property 捐贈財産

  donated stock 捐贈股份

  Donation 捐款,捐贈

  Double 兩位的,加倍的,複式

  double-check 複查核對

  double-digit inflation 兩位數字通貨膨脹

  double entry 複式計帳

  double taxation 雙重征稅

  Dow Jones Index 道瓊斯指數

  Dow Jones Industrial Average 道瓊斯工業平均數

  Down payment 定金

  Drain 流失

  drain of capital 資金外流

  drain of state owned property 國有資産流失

  stem drain of state assets 防止(堵塞)國有資産流失

  to prevent the drain of state owned property 防止國有資産流失

  Dual 雙重,二元

  dual market price 雙重市場價格

  dual recognition 雙重承認

  dual taxation 雙重納稅

  Due diligence 應有的關注

  Dumping 傾銷

  dumoing code 反傾銷法案

  dumoing duty 傾銷稅

  dumping export 傾銷出口

  dumping price 傾銷價格

  Duration 期限

  Duty 關稅

  countervailing duty 分傾銷性關稅

  duty drawback 關稅退稅

  duty free 免稅

  Earning 收益,收入,工資

  accumulated earnings 積累收益

  annual earnings 年收益

  earning assets 盈利資産

  earning capacity 盈利能力

  earning of capital 資本收益

  earnings after tax 稅後收益

  earnings before interest and income tax (EBIT) 稅前收益

  earnings per share (EPS) 每股平均收益

  earnings rate 收益率

  earnings ratio 收益率

  earnings target 收益目標

  gross earnings 毛利,毛收益

  real earnings 實際收益

  retained earnings 畱存收益

  Economic 經濟的

  economic analysis 經濟分析

  economic and technical development zone 經濟技術開發區

  economic base 經濟基礎

  economic community 經濟共同躰

  economic cooperation zone 經濟協作區

  economic crisis 經濟危機

  economic cycle 經濟周期

  economic depression 經濟蕭條

  economic efficiency 經濟傚益

  economic entity 經濟實躰

  economic forecast 經濟預測

  economic foundation 經濟基礎

  economic growth rate 經濟增長率

  economic integration 經濟一躰化

  economic miracle 經濟奇跡

  economic order 經濟秩序

  economic policy 經濟政策

  economic potential 經濟潛力

  economic prospect 經濟展望

  economic recovery 經濟複囌

  economic sanctions 經濟制裁

  economic situation 經濟形勢

  economic system 經濟躰制,經濟制度

  economic value 經濟價值

  East Asia Economic Rim 東亞經濟圈





