


Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?

  I pron. 我am v. be動詞現在時的第一人稱單數are v. be動詞現在時複數name n. 名字what adj. & porn. 什麽nationality n. 國籍job n. 工作keyboard n. 電腦鍵磐operator n. 操作人員engineer n. 工程師

  operator /5CpEreitE/

  What's your name? 你叫什麽名字?

  My name is Lucy. What's her name? 她叫什麽名字?

  Her name is…

  What's his name? 他叫什麽名字?

  His name is…

  這是一個新學生。This is a new student.她的名字叫索菲婭。Her name is Sophie.這是他的老師。This is his teacher.他的名字叫羅伯特。His name is Robert.我的老師是男的。My teacher is a man.他的名字叫什麽?What is his name.這是我的女兒。This is my daughter.她的名字叫什麽呢?What is her name?

  這是他的太太。This is his wife.

  what特殊疑問詞where /wZE/ 什麽地方who /hu:/ 誰when /wen/ 什麽時候which /witF/ 哪個,哪一個why /wai/ 爲什麽whom /hu:m, hum/ 誰(賓格)

  What make is it? 它是什麽牌子的?

  What color is it? 它是什麽顔色的?

  What nationality…?

  nation n. 國家national adj. 國家的,民族的nationality n. 國籍

  country /5kQntri/ n. 國家 How many countries are there in the world?

  nation n. 國家,富有人文色彩的land /lAnd/ n.國家,多用於文學作品state /steit/ n. 國家,表示政治的概唸homeland,motherland 祖國

  work /wE:k/ n. 工作,廣義的概唸task /tB:sk/ n. 工作,任務job /dVCb/ n. 工作,有報酧的工作,既可以是躰力的,也可以是腦力的

  key /ki:/ n. 鈅匙board /bC:d/ n. blackboard n. 黑板

  operator /5CpEreitE/ n. 操作人員engineer /7endVi5niE/ n. 工程師

  ★ Text I'm a new student. My name's Robert. Nice to meet you. My name's Sophie. Are you French?

  Yes, I'm. Are you French, too?

  No, I'm not. What nationality are you?

  I'm Italian. Are you a teacher?

  No, I'm not. What's your job?

  I'm a keyboard operator. What's your job?

  I'm an engineer.

  補充材料P4 Fill in blanks with a/an. 1. Stella is _a_ student, and she studies in _a_ university. She is _an_ American. 2. How many days are there in _a_ year? How many minutes are there in _an_hour?

  3. Our teacher is talking with _an_ old man from _x_ France. 4. There is _an_ oil painting on the wall.

  Lesson 8 What‘s your job?

  policeman /pE5li:smEn/ n. 警察policewoman /pE`li:s9wJmEn/ n. 女警察taxi driver /5tAksi-5draivE/ n. 出租汽車司機air hostess /ZE-5hEustis/ n. 空中小姐postman /5pEJstmEn/ n. 郵遞員nurse /nE:s/ n. 護士mechanic /mi5kAnik/ n. 機械師hairdresser /5heEdresE/ n. 理發師housewife /5haJswaIf/ n. 家庭婦女milkman /5mIlkmEn/ n. 送牛嬭的人

  注意重音符號 5

  Exercises A Complete these sentences using am or is

  Example: My name _is_ Xiaohui. I _am_ Chinese. 1. My name _is_ Robert. I _am_ a student. I _am_ Italian. 2. Sophie _is_ not Italian. She _is_ French. 3. Mr. Blake _is_ my teacher. He _is_ not French.

  Exercises B Write questions and answer using his, her, he, she, a or an.

  Example:keyboard operator What‘s her job? Is she a keyboard operator? Yes, she is. engineer What’s his job? Is he an engineer? Yes, he is. 1 policeman 6 nurse 2 policewoman 7 mechanic 3 taxi driver 8 hairdresser 4 air hostess 9 housewife 5 postman 10 milkman

  1. policeman What‘s his job? Is he a policeman? Yes, he is. 2. policewoma What’s her job? Is she a policewoman? Yes, she is. 3. taxi driver What‘s his job? Is he a taxi driver? Yes, he is. 4. air hostess What’s her job? Is she an air hostess? Yes, she is. 5. postman What‘s his job? Is he a postman? Yes, he is.

  I‘m a policeman. 11 eleven I’m a policewoman. 12 twelve I‘m a taxi driver. 13 thirteen I’m an air hostess. 14 fourteen I‘m a postman. 15 fifteen I’m a nurse. 16 sixteen I‘m a mechanic. 17 seventeen I’m a hiardresser. 18 eighteen I‘m a housewife. 19 nineteen I’m a milkman. 20 twenty

  語言強化訓練後元音/B:/ fast, card, park, last, hard, dark /C/ dog, bottle, boss, shop, got, job /C:/ form, door, talk, horse, before, walk /J/ put, good, should, book, cook, sugar /J:/ mood, food, tooth, move, shoe, school後元音,用舌的後部感覺發音。

  fast 快速的 dog 狗 form 形成 put 放下,放置 mood 心情,情緒card 卡片 bottle 瓶子 door 門 good 好的 food 食物park 公園;停車 boss 老板 talk 談話 should 應該 tooth 牙齒dark 黑暗的 shop 商店 horse 馬 book 書;訂票 move 移動;感動got 獲得 before 從前 cook 烹飪;廚師 shoe 鞋子job 工作 walk 走路,散步 sugar 糖 school 學校。





