New mindset needed to up birthrate

New mindset needed to up birthrate,第1張

New mindset needed to up birthrate,第2張

In spite of a series of measures to encourage Singaporeans to go forth and multiply, there are still no signs of a rebound in the fertility rate. In my view, this is hardly surprising.

  Many young Singaporeans who have been exposed to Western culture have become rather self-centred and place money and freedom above everything else. The prevalence of such values has made boosting the national birthrate seem an unachievable goal.

  No government incentive, no matter how attractive, will have any impact on someone who cares only about raking in money or career advancement. He or she would not be moved even if the government offered to pay for all the expenses needed to bring up a child. The reason is simple. A newborn requires lots of care and attention, which means less time for the accumulation of wealth and for climbing the corporate ladder.

  For someone whose top priority is freedom, children will obviously get in the way. A child requires much care and guidance during the growing-up years. It is easy, for example, for a teenager to be led astray by bad company and misbehave. If he breaks the law, the parents are likely to be blamed too for allowing him to get out of hand.

  Very often, couples who can no longer get along stop short of taking their irreconcilable differences to court for the sake of their children. To some, it is obvious that the birth of a baby will be at the expense of their freedom.

  Few will disagree that younger Singaporeans have become more open. Some have even become rather casual about relationships. They have many boyfriends or girlfriends and break up just as quickly as they fall in love. Without a sense of commitment in a relationship, can we expect them to settle down and start a family?

  In the past, the head of a big household was well respected as only the rich could afford a big family. Now, many will wonder why some people have four or five children. To them, only fools would want to be burdened with so many children.

  If we cannot get Singaporeans to change the values underlying their thinking and behaviour, efforts by the government to encourage marriage and procreation are likely to be futile.

  Married couples should not see a bundle of joy as a bundle of trouble. It is a delight to hear a toddler utter his first unclear sound of “Papa” or “Mama”。 It is an even greater joy to watch him grow.

  It does not matter whether you believe in traditional values or subscribe to Western ideas——getting hitched and having children is a duty for every adult. This is a precondition for the continuity of the human race. When a whole generation of people chooses to reject marriage and reproduction, human race will vanish from the face of earth with the demise of that generation.

  There are many ways to contain population growth. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about measures to raise the fertility rate. When people equate childlessness to happiness, when they care more about freedom, money and themselves, few incentives will be good enough to make them change their mind.

  We are likely to reverse the declining fertility rate only if people adopt a new and responsible attitude towards marriage and procreation.

  (The writer is a Junior College student. Translated by Yap Gee Poh)








  如果現有的價值觀唸無法得到脩正,那麽,政府的一切努力將衹是徒勞罷了。 儅然,孩子的降臨不是來破壞一個家庭、不是來讓人煩憂。看著孩子一天一天長大,聽他叫一生含糊不清的“爸爸”、“媽媽”都是讓人歡喜的事。





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