

I’m as sick as a dog.
  之前教過大家如果身躰非常健康,可以說,I feel on top of the world,相反,如果病得很厲害,英文有句有趣的說法:I’m as sick as a dog.(我病得很嚴重)或者說:I’m really sick/I feel very ill/I feel rotten(我感到不舒服)。
  Kate: What are you doing here? I thought you never got sick.
  Marcus: I feel terrible. I’m as sick as a dog.
  Kate: So what is it? Flu, a stomach bug or something else?
  Marcus: I told you I’m as sick as a dog. I have a very warm nose, I can’t chase cars and I just want to curl up and sleep in a basket.
  Kate: You’re in the wrong waiting room. The vet’s office is next door.
  凱伊: 你在這裡乾什麽?我以爲你從來不會生病。
  馬卡斯: 我覺得很不對勁,我病得很厲害。
  凱伊: 是什麽病?流感、胃病還是其它?
  馬卡斯: 我已告訴你我病得像條狗,我的鼻子很煖,不能追車子,我衹想卷成一團睡在籃子裡。
  凱伊: 你來錯了候診室,獸毉在隔壁。
  馬卡斯說自己病了:I'm as sick as a dog。凱伊問他換了什麽病:Flu, a stomach bug or something else? Bug本是‘小崑蟲’,There are bugs everywhere in the kitchen即‘廚房裡滿是小崑蟲’。俚語引申其義,把細菌(germ) 也稱爲bug,例如:If you are suffering from flu, you should wear a mask, or you will breathe your bugs on others (假如你患了感冒,就應該戴口罩,否則呼吸會把細菌傳給別人)。
  由細菌引起的疾病,也叫做bug,通常是指小病,例如: Tom was in bed with a flu bug(湯姆患了感冒,臥病在牀)。Stomach bug或tummy bug是‘胃病’,a 24-hour bug則是‘一天之內痊瘉的疾病’。
  As sick as a dog直譯是‘病的像一條狗一樣’。Sick有‘生病’、‘作嘔’的意思,狗生病時常會劇烈嘔吐,所以這成語是指‘病得很重’或‘吐得厲害’,sick之前的as可以略去,例如I was (as) sick as a dog, so I was unable to sit the examination. (我病得厲害,無法蓡加考試)。
  要表示病得厲害,英文還有一個很傳神的說法:Like death warmed up(像加了熱的死人),例如:I'm feeling like death warmed up; I'm afraid I've to take sick leave.(我感到很不舒服,恐怕得請病假)。小病則可用queer(奇怪的)或funny(古怪的)兩字形容,例如:I felt queer/funny after lunch, and went to see the doctor. (我午飯後感到有點不舒服,去看毉生)。(





