


The primary purpose of Web browsers is to display Web pages, but browsers also have added features, such as e-mail and newsgroups (an online discussion group or forum).

  網絡瀏覽器的主要目的是顯示網頁,但瀏覽器還有更多的功能, 例如電子郵件和新聞討論組(在線討論組或論罈)。

  Currently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, but recently some new browsers have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very popular because of its speed—it is currently the world’s fastest browser—and because it is much smaller than existing browsers (it can almost fit on a single diskette). It can also remember the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off. And like the big two, you can get it for free; the catch is that you have to watch blinking ads in one corner, or pay $40 for the ad-free version of Opera.

  目前,94%的網絡用戶使用Internet Explorer或Netscape Navigator瀏覽器,但是最近已開發出的一些新瀏覽器開始吸引人們的注意力。Oprea瀏覽器正在變得非常流行,因爲它的速度——它是目前世界上最快的瀏覽器,而且因爲它比現有瀏覽器小得多(它幾乎可以裝在一張軟磐上)。它也能記得你訪問過的最後一個網頁,因此下廻漫遊時,你能從你停止的地方開始。而且像那兩個大瀏覽器一樣,你能免費得到它;其陷阱是你不得不看一個角落中可惡的廣告,否則要支付40美元購買無廣告版。

  The browser NeoPlanet is also gaining new fans, primarily because of the 500 skins, or design schemes, that come with it. Using skins, you can design the browser to look and sound just the way you’d like it to, rather than being limited to the standard look provided by Navigator and Internet Explorer. However, NeoPlanet requires Internet Explorer’s technology in order to operate, so you must also have IE installed on your computer.

  瀏覽器NeoPlanet也正在獲得新的愛好者,主要因爲它帶有500多套界麪或設計方案。使用不同界麪,你能根據你喜歡看或聽的方式設計瀏覽器,而不是被限於Netscape Navigator和Internet Explorer瀏覽器提供的標準外觀。然而, NeoPlanet 需要Internet Explorer的技術來運行,因此你也必須在計算機上安裝IE。





