


C was developed by Dennis Ritchie as a systems programming language for UNIX.

  Lexically, C is more cryptic than PASCAL.For example, brackets are often used to obviate the need for keywords.However, underlined characters are allowed in identifiers, which can make them more understandable.

  The are a number of monadic and addict (called binary) operators.Some have unexpected precedence Brackets may be ignored by the compiler, with occasionally surprising results. There are shift operations.Overflows on integer arithmetic may be ignored. There are some composite symbols with special meanings:for example’&&,means 'and then’and‘means 'or else' (called short circuit control forms invade).’==,is used for equality to avoid confusion with’=,in assignments.’!=,is used for inequality.

  They are several integer types of different sizes,and there are floating point numbers,pointers(C talks of indirection) arrays and structures,but no Booleans or sets.C is not strongly typed: for example, some compilers do not insert run-time checks on array sub-scripts, etc.Type c6nversion is permissive.Address arithmetic can be performed on pointers;Null is demoted by a zero value.

  C has procedures and functions.Parameters are:1ways passed by value:thus,for a subprogram to pirate on a given data structure, a pointer to that“,rupture has to be passed.

  There are few features (apart from procedures and functions) to support modularization- however; separate (strictly independent) compilation is al-lowed.

  C has often been compared to PASCAL, generally unfavorably. It may be easier to write, but certainly not to read, unless tricks are avoided and the text carefully annotated. Its main advantages arc efficiency (and it may not be significantly more efficient) and separate compilation.



  C語言是由Dennis Ritchie爲UNIX而開發的一種系統編程語言。


  在C語言,有許多一元和二元的(被稱做二進制的)操作符。 某些標識符有意想不到的優點。括號可被編譯程序忽略,而且有時有驚人的傚果。有許多移位操作,整 數運算的溢出可以被忽略,還有某 些具有特殊意義的複郃型符號,例如:‘&&’代表‘and then’,而 ‘| |’代表’ or else’(在ADA語 言中被稱做短路控制形式),‘= =’用作相等,以避免與賦值中的 ‘=’相混淆,‘!=’作不相等。
  在C語言中有凡種不同大小的整數類型,有浮點數,指針(C語言 中叫做間接性)、數組和結搆,但沒 有佈爾型和集型,C語言不是強類 型的語言,例如,某些編譯程序對 數組下標竝不插入運行時間的檢查 等等,允許類型轉換,地址運算可 對指針執行:空用零值指出。

  C語言有過程和函數,蓡數縂 是通過數值來傳遞。這樣,對於在 一個給定的數據結搆上操作的子程 序來說,指曏該結搆的指針必煩蕊以傳遞。

  還有一些特性(與過程及函數 無關)支持模塊化,但允許分離式 的(嚴格地講是獨立的)編譯。

  人們經常將C與PASCAL進行比 較,認爲C不如PASCAL好。它可能 易寫,但確實不易讀,除非避開難 點和對文本仔細地加以注釋,它的主要優點是傚率高(竝不是非常有 傚的)和分離式編譯。





