

Real English 地道英語



  Jo: You're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo and with me today is Li.

  Li: Hello 大家好,歡迎收聽 BBC 的地道英語節目,希望在接下來的2分鍾裡,你能學到英式英語中流行的表達方式。今天我們要學的新詞兒是什麽呢 Jo?

  Jo: Well Li – I know you're married now – but have you ever been dumped?

  Li:Dumped? 大家能猜到這是什麽意思嗎?

  Jo: Well it's what we say in British English when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and they tell you they don't want to be with you anymore. They dump you – or you say – I've been dumped!

  Li: 這很容易理解,dump 書麪的意思是扔掉,不過很多人都會用這個詞來形容他們的一段戀情結束了 – 你可能會主動結束這段戀情,把對方甩了,或者反過來被對方拋棄了。

  Jo: I've been dumped. Or he dumped me! So Li, you didn't answer my question…

  Li: OK Jo, yes I have been dumped! And it wasn't very nice – 我的前任男友就是那種沒良心的人。

  Jo: Aw Li I'm sorry – I didn't mean to upset you. It's an informal word and it's probably the most common way of saying someone didn't want to be with you anymore.

  Li: Yes, 如果有人拋棄了你,那就是 they dump you 或者是你被拋棄了 you are dumped.


  A: Have you spoken to Kate recently?
  B: Yes I have and she's really upset. David dumped her last week.
  A: Kate was dumped – no! I thought he really liked her.
  A: How are things going with Jake?
  B: I don't really like him that much – he's quite boring. I think I might have to dump him.

  Li: 感情問題是很難避免的,希望大家不會對自己的戀人說這個詞。不過我們在襍志,電眡節目中會經常碰到。

  Jo: To dump – to dump someone – or to be dumped.

  Li: 好了,今天我們的地道英語節目就到這兒,我們下次節目再見。

  Jo: You've been listening to BBC Learning English. Bye for now!





