Doggy Bag 打包,第1張

Doggy Bag 打包,第2張

Real English 地道英語


  Jo: Hello, I'm Jo and you're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English – the programme where we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your textbook or your dictionary. With me today is Helen.

  Helen: Hi Jo. 大家好。在我們的地道英語節目中,你會發現不少在字典上查不到的通俗表達。那Jo, 今天有什麽有意思的新詞嗎?

  Jo: Well Helen, today's expression is doggy D.O.G.G.Y bag B.A.G. doggy bag.

  Helen: 從 doggy 這個詞來看,我想這是應該和狗 dog 有關的一個表達吧?

  Jo: A doggy bag is actually something we get at a restaurant. Sometimes when you eat out there is a lot of food and you can't finish everything because you are full – well you might want to take that leftover food home.

  Helen: Leftover 多餘的,喫賸了的食品. 這種情況我們在餐館裡經常碰到,叫了太多的菜,結果喫不完。

  Jo: So you would ask for a doggy bag.

  Helen: 明白了,A doggy bag 就是在餐館裡要求把賸菜打包帶廻家,不過這名字好像不大好聽。Why is it called a doggy bag Jo?

  Jo: Well, it's because sometimes people take leftover food home to give to their dog – but most of the time the food is for people to eat not dogs. But we always call it a doggy bag. Let's listen to an example shall we?


  Waiter: Is everything OK?

  Diner: Yes thanks. Can you put this in a doggy bag for us?

  Waiter: Yes, of course.

  Jo: If you want a doggy bag – you might also just ask – can we take this home please?

  Helen: 有時候,你可能不想說我要一個 doggy bag,你也可以直接說我想把這些賸菜帶廻 家。

  Jo: So there we have it – today's expression – doggy bag.

  Helen: 好了,今天我們的地道英語就到這兒。如果你想學些其它新單詞的話,別忘了我們的網站。

  Jo: Goodbye from us at BBC Learning English.

  Helen: 再見。


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