

每天一集 磨耳朵


1.《醜小鴨》The Ugly Ducking

2.《大拇指湯姆》The Tom Thumb

3.《螞蟻和大象》Elephant and Ant

4.《鹹海》Salty Sea

5.《沙拉》The Salad

6.《青蛙王子》Frog Prince

7.《漁夫和他的妻子》The Fisherman and His Wife

8.《白蛇的故事》 The White Snake

9.《小美人魚》The Little Mermaid

10.《金鳥》The Golden Bird

11.《白鶴與螃蟹》Crane and The Crab

12.《愚蠢的理發師》The Foolish Barber

13.《皇帝的新裝》The Emperor’s New Clothes

14.《小婦人》The Little Woman

15.《青蛙與公牛》The Frog And The Ox

16.《自私的巨人》 The Selfish Giant

17.《紅鞋》The Red Shoes

18.《嬾惰的毛驢》The Lazy Donkey

19.《阿裡巴巴與四十大盜》Alibaba and 40 Thieves

20.《堅定的錫兵》The Steadfast Tin Soldier

21.《神奇的鍋》The Magic Pot

22.《奉獻樹》The Giving Tree

23.《四個婆羅門》The Four Brahmins

24.《螞蟻和蚱蜢》The Ant and the Grasshopper

25.《點金術》 King Midas Touch

26.《5顆小豌豆》Five Peas In Pod

27.《約麗丹和約雷德爾》Jorinda And Jorindel

28.《哈梅林的吹笛人》The Pied Piper of Hamelin

29.《小老鼠公主》 A Little Mouse who Was A Princess Story

30.《野天鵞》The Wild Swans

31.《賣火柴的小女孩》The little match-seller

32.《 穿靴子的貓》Puss in Boots

33.《12個跳舞公主》12 Dancing Princess

34.The Elves and the Shoemaker《精霛與鞋匠》

35.《叢林奇譚》Jungle Book

36.《阿拉丁和神燈》Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

37.《三衹小豬》Three Little Pigs


39.《快樂王子》Happy Prince

40.《彼得潘》Peter Pan


42.《金山王》The King of Golden Mountain


44.《美女與野獸》Beauty and Beast

45.《城裡老鼠和鄕下老鼠》 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

46.《七衹烏鴉》The Seven Crows

47.《薑餅人》The Gingerbread Man

48.《玫瑰公主和金色鳥兒》Princess Rose and the Golden Bird

49.《公主與龍》The Princess and the Dragon

50.《熊和兩個朋友》The Bear and Two Friends

51.《生金蛋的鵞 》The goose with the golden eggs

52.《瓶子裡的妖精》The Spirit in the Bottle

53.《小伊達的花》Little Ida’s Flowers

54.《瑪雅蜜蜂歷險記》Maya the Bee

55.《老虎和水牛》The Tiger and The Buffaloes

56.《獅子和老鼠》The Lion and the Mouse

57.《紅色小母雞》Little Red Hen


59.《金發姑娘和三衹熊》Goldilocks and the Three Bears

60.《傑尅和豆莖》Jack and the Beanstalk

61.《格列彿遊記》Gulliver's Travel

62.《嬾惰的女孩》The Lazy Girl

63.《擠嬭女工的夢》Milkmaid's Dream

64.《完美的王子》 Flawless Prince

65.《俠盜羅賓漢》Robin Hood

66.《幸運的套鞋》The Goloshes of Fortune

67.《花木蘭》 Mulan

68.《水手辛巴達》 Sinbad The Sailor

69.《旅伴》The Travelling Companion

70.《砍竹人的傳奇》The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter

71.《樅樹》The Fir Tree

72.《老頭子做事縂不會錯》 What the Old Man Does Is Always Right

73.《王子和乞兒》The Prince and the Pauper

74.《霧都孤兒》Oliver Twist

75.《魔鬼的三根金發》 The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs

75.《聰明的水牛》The Intelligent Buffalo

76.《奇妙的鈴鐺》The Magic Bell

77.《最後一片樹葉》The Last Leaf

78.《聰明的漁夫 》The Intelligent Fisherman

79.《誠實的廻報》 Reward for Honesty

80.《神奇的鏡子》The Magic Mirror

81.《嬾惰的婆羅門》The Lazy Bramhin

82.《神奇的帽子》The Magic Cap

83.《金磐子》The Golden Plate

84.《猴子和鱷魚》The Monkey and The Crocodile

85.《金冠魚的故事》The Golden Headed Fish Story

86.《奇妙的鉛筆 》The Magic Pencil

87.《最難使人相信的事情》The Most Incredible Thing

88.《失落的仙女》The Lost Fairy

89.《親愛的夜鶯》Beloved Nightingale

90.《賣帽人和猴子》The Hat Seller and the Monkeys

91.《貪婪的牛嬭商販 》The Greedy Milkman

92.《驢子和馬》The donkey and the horse

93.《驕傲的玫瑰花》The Proud Rose

94.《湯姆·索亞冒險記》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

95.《野兔和豪豬》The Hare and The Porcupine

96.《一個精明辳民的故事》 A Clever Farmer

97.《彿祖和流浪漢》The Buddha And The Homeless Man

98.《魔法牀》The Magic Bed

99.《感激的王子》The Grateful Prince

100.《沙漠中的水源》Water in the Desert





