


KaiHongShun Studio



The Chinese culture is broad and profound. During the five thousand years of historical development, a lot of folk sayings have also been formed. They are the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people. They have been passed down from mouth to mouth by ancient people.



As we all know, most of the rich and noble families in ancient times placed more doors and windows during the building period. Among many doors and windows, only the main door is the main door, and other small doors are called side doors. In the film and TV play A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia's courtyard is very large, and there are many small doors in all directions of the courtyard.


When relatives and relatives come to visit, they will lead people into the living room from the front door. People who come to visit the Jia family without status and status are the side door. The side gate is also often used as the main passage for people to carry some goods.



The ancients could judge whether a family had more blessings according to the frequent opening of a door and the frequent closing of a small door? As the saying goes, "doors are always open for wealth, and households are always closed for prosperity" is a typical sentence used by ancient people to judge whether a family is rich and whether future generations are blessed. Do you know what the opening and closing of doors and households mean?



After knowing that the ancient people said that the door is the main door, we can learn the saying that the door is always open. This saying is easy to understand. The ancients believed that when the door of a family was always open, more famous families, relatives and friends would come to visit.



Whether ancient or modern, what people talk about in the Jianghu is popularity, in addition to the word "righteousness". The ancient people had good popularity, and the hall was like a busy market, so their family's wealth would be higher. Therefore, the ancient people believed that if the door of the rich family was often opened, it was a symbol of welcoming wealth.



The ancients paid more attention to whether the front door or the side door was used by a family in the early period. If a person was welcomed into the main hall by a family from the front door, it indicates that the person's status is relatively high. People are also looking for this person to talk about some fair and aboveboard things.


The ancients believed that this was a disgraceful thing, so they would not let these young people or criminals enter the house through the gate. In addition, when the door of a rich family is often closed and the small door is often open, it shows that the family is engaged in shady collusion. The main gate means to be aboveboard, while the side gate means not to follow the right path.


如果一女子的丈夫常年在外不歸家,而女子又時長將大門關閉,小門時常敞開,那麽女子可能會在家中做出軌而對不起丈夫對不起一個家庭的事情。因此 古人們認爲一戶人家如果經常將大門緊閉而小門敞開,說明這家的財氣不旺,而且福氣也不會多。

If a woman's husband stays away from home all the year round, and the woman keeps the door closed and the small door open for a long time, then the woman may cheat at home and be sorry for her husband. Therefore, the ancient people believed that if a family often closed the door and opened the small door, it would show that the family was not rich, and it would not have much luck.


In ancient times, men's marriage and women's marriage also paid attention to family identity, which means that people's identity and wealth are similar. These two gentlemen and people who are not much different from the household ornaments will become a family, and their wealth will become higher and higher, their blessings will become more and more, and their descendants will enjoy a long life.



After understanding the difference between the gate and the small gate, it is easier to understand the saying: "The household is always closed and blessed". The "household is always closed and blessed" here means that if a large family often opens the door, but does not often open the small door to order those little servants or criminals, then the family will be more and more blessed.


Because a family is operating the interpersonal relationship normally, everyone who comes to the home enters through the door, which also symbolizes fairness and uprightness. When the door is closed, it means that there are no improper people in the family, and the family has not done anything to break the rich. Therefore, the small door is often closed, which is a symbol of happiness.





