Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,第1張



2022年Molecular Plant 共發表了10篇權威性專家綜述(Review )和前瞻性評述(Perspective)文章,涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前沿熱點。爲增進大家對植物科學發展前沿的了解竝方便閲讀,我們對這10篇Review/Perspective文章進行了整理編譯,希望能對大家的研究工作帶來有價值的蓡考和啓發。

1.From Green Super Rice to green agriculture: Reaping the promise of functional genomics research 
Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第2張


Green Super Rice is defined not only as a new type of rice cultivar but also as an innovative model of crop production for resource-saving, environmentally-friendly agriculture. Green Super Rice has contributed to a paradigm shift in crop genetic improvement and food production to better nourish the world population while maintaining a healthier environment.

2.Toxic metals and metalloids: Uptake, transport, detoxification, phytoremediation, and crop improvement for safer food

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第3張

Accumulation of toxic metals and metalloids, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in food crops, can affect food safety and human health. This review discusses the molecular mechanisms and regulation of their uptake, transport, and detoxification as well as crop improvement strategies to reduce their accumulation in the edible parts. The potential of using metal-accumulating plants to clean up contaminated soil is also discussed.
3.Rewilding staple crops for the lost halophytism: Toward sustainability and profitability of agricultural production systems 
Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第4張



Zinc plays a major role in many aspects of plant biology. Recent research has led to major advances in our understanding of how plants regulate zinc content at cellular and tissue levels. These advances in turn have enabled new strategies for crop biofortification that can enhance the nutritional value of an element that is essential for human health.
4.Nutrient–hormone relations: Driving root plasticity in plants
Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第5張


When growing in heterogeneous soils, plants monitor and respond to external nutrient availabilities by structural adaptation of their root system architecture. In this review, the authors discuss how information on external nutrient availability and whole-plant demand modulates phytohormone synthesis and signaling to shape developmental plasticity of root systems in plants.

5.Plant adaptation to low phosphorus availability: Core signaling, crosstalks, and applied implications

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第6張


Improving plant phosphorus acquisition and use efficiency (PUE) is required to implement a sustainable agriculture. This review discusses the plant signaling mechanisms controlling adaptation to low P nutrition and analyzes emerging data disclosing the integrated nature of nutrient homeostasis. The most recent advances toward PUE improvement and future research directions are also discussed.
6.Molecular basis underlying rice tiller angle: Current progress and future perspectives

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第7張



Tiller angle is one of the most critical components that determine crop plant architecture and grain yield. Significant progress has been made in elucidating the molecular mechanisms that control tiller angle using rice as a model. This review focuses on discussing molecular regulation of rice tiller angle, whereas it may also be useful for the scientists studying lateral shoot orientation.

7.Nitric oxide regulation of plant metabolism

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第8張



Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important signal molecule in plants, having myriad roles in plant biotic and abiotic stress responses, during which intensive cellular metabolic reprogramming occurs. Numerous redox pathways, located in the various subcellular compartments produce NO, in addition to the mechanisms that underpin NO scavenging. Here, we focus on how this molecular dance is integrated into the metabolic state of the cell. In addition, we discuss the potential importance of the biochemical reactions governing NO levels in determining plant responses to a changing environment.

8.Twenty years of rice genomics research: From sequencing and functional genomics to quantitative genomics

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第9張/10.1016/j.molp.2022.03.009

This review chronologically and comprehensively summarizes progress in rice genomics over the past 20 years, including rice genome, pan-genome and genetic variation research, genetic resources for functional genomics, development of approaches for gene identification, and genes characterized to control agronomically important traits. It also presents contemporary views on important scientific questions and discusses ongoing challenges and future directions in rice genomics research.

9.Leaf morphogenesis: The multifaceted roles of mechanics

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第10張/10.1016/j.molp.2022.05.015
Mechanical regulation of plant growth is rapidly gaining the interest of researchers. This review details how mechanics takes part in leaf morphogenesis during the initiation of leaf primordia, emergence of phyllotaxis patterns, and development of complex leaf shapes. By highlighting the role of mechanical buckling in leaf shape formation, this review integrates perspectives of mechanics and biology to provide insights into plant mechanobiology.

10.Smart breeding driven by big data, artificial intelligence, and integrated genomic-enviromic prediction

Mol Plant|2022年發表的權威性專家綜述和評述文章!涵蓋植物科學領域近期的一些重要進展和前...,圖片,第11張/10.1016/j.molp.2022.09.001


Plant breeding faces great challenges posed by the flood of big data and the need for improved genetic gain under climate change. Genomic selection can play a more important role in plant breeding by developing more efficient prediction models. Plant breeding will be advanced with the support of big data, artificial intelligence (machine and deep learning), and integrated genomic-enviromic prediction (selection).

來源:Mol Plant植物科學 

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